My generation has eclipsed the previous in theological idiocy (that is an accomplishment). The church has embraced the culture's fickleness. After all, their logic goes, Jesus needs to change with the times. If Jesus will put on the clothes, the slang, the entertainment and the perversion of the culture then people will like Him. What is perplexing about this is their "coolness" today will be a joke tomorrow. In five years they will be mocking what they used to do and will be reinventing themselves for the 100th time. The KING OF GLORY is not in need of a style makeover!
O Lord we need your help. Give us the fervency to preach your Holy Name in accordance with your Holy Word. Forgive us for our cleverness. We are deceived if we think you need to be dressed in the latest fashions...
Weekend A La Carte (March 8)
21 hours ago