Every church claims to be biblical. Herein lies the need to articulate what you believe. The reason the Church has relied on confessions of faith historically, is because private interpretation of The Scripture leads to error and heresy. Our church is a Reformed Baptist Church and we hold to the London Baptist Confession-1689. In this document, is a call to unity on doctrinal essentials with our Westminster and Savoy Declaration brethren. We differ on baptism and elements of church polity but we agree on the most essential elements of faith in Christ. While it sounds pious to say, 'you have no creed but Christ' and 'it is just you and your Bible,' confessionalism is a key aid in keeping the church on a sound footing doctrinally across generations. Can you imagine what Baptist churches in America would look like if they predominantly held to the London Confession ? Or if all of the Presbyterians held to the Westminster and actually were governed by it (PCUSA comes to mind)? and If the Congregationalists held to the Savoy Declaration? The truths of the Gospel would not be so easily diluted by the winds of change and relevance.
In this era of ever-increasing novelty, I grow more and more appreciative of the old paths. We will stick with the London Baptist Confession-1689...
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
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