My family and I went to the beach this morning and had a blast. We were in the sun for almost 3 hours. Those who took or were forced to take precautions came away unscathed. Other red beach goers didn't fare as well and will have a lingering reminder of the fun.
The Gospel of Jesus will triumph in the hearts of men, women and children. We must never forget that He saves sinners.
I had a fellow recently critique my preaching. I think he was right on. He said I needed more application and more clearly articulated "points." I told him I thought he was right but that I usually preached one point messages. I am going to try to do a better job of spelling things out. What is clear to me, may not be clear to others. I think I preach in the way that I learn or think. I need to preach in ways that helps every person in the room. I strive for being natural and non-mechanical. Additionally, I have an aversion to 3 points, 3 illustrations and 3 jokes. But, there is always room for growth. I am far away from where I'd like to be. I better get to work...Or better yet, I better get to praying that Christ would do a work in me.
A La Carte (March 6)
21 hours ago
I have always found your preaching to be clear in teaching content, warmly spiritual and pleasant in terms of tone and the avoidance of "filler" words. May all of us who preach the Word have your humility to be willing to grow and to hear criticism with a view toward change.