I am preparing Lord's Day messages in Acts 16:1-5 and on the subject of "The Preeminence of Christ," which will primarily be an exegesis of Col. 1:18.
Col. 1 has always been one of my favorite texts. It is soul satisfying to think about the centrality and unrivaled position of Christ. He must have first place in all things!
I was asked recently what my end times views were...I am a postmillenialist. I see the triumph of the Gospel as fundamental to our understanding of Christ's atoning work. His victory is sure!
The upcoming planned vacation will do wonders for my personal devotional and reading life, Lord willing. I am taking 3 large volumes and hope to devour them. My son Jacob is trying to convince me to grow a beard on the trip. I am hot-natured so it sounds unappealing due to the heat. Plus, I will look like a mean old Calvinist!
If the Lord wills, we will be spending time with some friends this evening. I love this couple and sense a great kinship with them. They are very serious about their walk with Christ and love the "old paths" of the Puritans.
We will be studying Eph. 2:4-10 tomorrow morning at our men's Bible study. Contact me if you would like to come.
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
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