One reason a proper view of the law is so important is found in the definition of sin. Jesus had to die on the cross to be the propitiation of God's righteous wrath. If you start tinkering with what law is you effectively redefine sin. The Catechism answer to the question What is sin? is "Sin is any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God." If you say law is unimportant you unwittingly assault the very reason that Christ had to be our representative. The holiness of God demands absolute conformity to His Law. We are personally disqualified by original sin and our own transgressions. This is the backdrop for the glorious Gospel of Christ. As our federal representative the righteous requirements of the Law, which He fulfilled, are imputed to our account. Faith is the only mechanism for redemption and it is a gift of a gracious, electing God. A proper view of Law keeps the Gospel God-centered. Can anyone argue against the need for a more robust God-centered soteriology in our day?
The trouble with us is we feel justified in creating our own subjective and inconsistent measures of righteousness. Idolatry in its essence is fashioning a God in an image of our liking, either physically or intellectually. This is the great transgression of our time and every other...We need to repent of our hatred for God's holy standards. In so doing, we will see more of the Glory of Christ!
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
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