Christ-Centered Preaching by Brian Chappel
Where In The World Is The Church by Michael Horton
Bible reading (non sermon prep):
1-2 Chronicles
I think 1-2 Chronicles are extremely valuable in order to understand the context of the New Testament. With a tripartite division of the books (Hebrew Bible format) the retelling of Israel's history closes the OT canon. I believe that is a critical piece of the hermeneutical equation that is often overlooked. I believe that Jesus, His Disciples (including Paul) saw the realization of Israel's redemptive history in Christ. Though that may seem obvious it is quite dense when you begin to examine it.
I have really enjoyed the Horton and Chappel books. I want to grow in both my preaching and understanding the Church's relationship with the culture. Are you reading anything praiseworthy?
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
3 Tripartite divisions being the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevlim), and Hagiographa or "Writings"(Ketuvim. Our English translations follow the Septuaginta LXX format, The Greek translation of the Old Testament.