Today I am trying to have a profitable time studying. I plan to preach on the last section of Acts 5.
We are still awaiting word on our home. We are starting to think that though we have met all the criteria the landlord would not prefer a radical pastor, his wife, 8 children and a less than stellar mini basset named "Rebel" to live in her newly refurbished home.
On tap for reading: "Telling The Truth: Evangelizing Postmoderns" edited by DA Carson.
To say we are in the swirl of chaos this week would be an understatement. Thanks for your friendship and fellowship in the Gospel. It makes you wonder how unbelievers survive times like this. I love the God who is Holy and Sovereign!
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
If I had a house to rent, I would rent it to your family. :)