Monday, November 29, 2010


Today is my day "off" from normal message related studies. I plan to read a couple of books for my own spiritual development today.

I have really enjoyed having my grandmother visit. I miss seeing her regularly.

I still feel we need to be doing a better job reaching out to the unchurched and underchurched in our community. Let me know if you have any ideas about this.

I am also praying for greater zeal and earnestness for Christ's glory, with an emphasis on personal obedience.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


One of my FB friends made a very thought provoking comment today. He mentioned that the Pilgrims of the first Thanksgiving didn't celebrate holidays, and the irony that a holiday would be celebrated in their honor (at least in part). Another friend was led to ask whom the atheists are thanking in their celebrations of "Thanksgiving." Very interesting...

Whatever Thanksgiving is being used for rightly or wrongly, the Christian has the opportunity to give thanks to our Creator and Redeemer on Thanksgiving. I get to see my grandmother and spend time with extended family. We will have a feast and then it will conclude very suddenly. The meal will last about 20 minutes if you aren't intentional about slowing it down. The Christian needs to be more thankful everyday. Maybe tomorrow's remembrance will lead you into a pattern of continual Thanksgiving?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I am looking forward to prayer meeting tonight. Psalm 119:121-128 will be the text studied.

I exercised and ate like a skinny guy today. Maybe I will be a skinny guy again if I can repeat this cycle for about 600 days.

The Gospel work is plodding along. Remember last week's sermon, Paul labored regularly and ordinarily then God blessed abundantly in His timing.

Dinner with our friends last night was so much fun.

Pray for the Lord's guidance and direction and He will not leave you in the dark.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We are looking forward to dinner with friends tonight. I have been studying the pastoral epistles this week for my private devotion and we are now studying Colossians in family devotions. We had a great discussion about prayer and walking in wisdom toward those that are outside.

I am just now starting to look toward Sunday and Acts 19 and the Third Commandment.

I am becoming more concerned about the TSA body scanning at airports. I don't quite know what to make of it but it is NOT good.

I hope the Lord is blessing you this week.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob

Today is my oldest son's 14th birthday. I can't believe it. We are so thankful for God's good gift in Jacob.

I hope your day is blessed. Take pains to make the Lord's Day special by preparing your hearts and taking care of practical needs.

I am still studying...

Friday, November 12, 2010


I am officially going nuts. My E key has been broken for awhile and I can't take it anymore!

I am studying in Acts and Exodus today. I hope the Lord will be pleased to bless the preaching Sunday.

I am a glutton. I eat too much. It is sin. Please pray that I will have the victory in Christ.

I am loving this Florida weather, sunny and 75.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the king of creation, Oh my soul praise Him for He is my light and salvation....

Friday, November 5, 2010


We are enjoying our out of town guests and looking forward to cousin Kelly's wedding tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning we will be having our men's Bible study. The Brenyo crazy train keeps rolling, with no end in sight. We need a life vacation. Just a calendar with nothing scheduled but our normal routine.

On Monday, my mother in law celebrates her 70th birthday. Happy birthday Mrs. Delene Hill!

I am embroiled in some tough studying in Acts 19. It is Friday and I am not yet clear on how to communicate the message from the text.

Pray for your friend and foe today. The Watson quote is fitting, "Bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Elijah gave himself a very trendy, though patchy haircut yesterday. So his mama finished the job for him. Kids, you may want to rethink the self-styling.
Today is a big study day for me. After all, Sunday is coming.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Morning reading in Romans

This morning I had a great time of reading and meditation in Rom. 1-5. As a new believer, I was drawn to study Romans. My love for the book has never waned. I am always amazed at how fresh and new familiar texts can be. The Word is living and active!

I am praying for the people of our country today. The solutions to our problems are not "political" but spiritual. The spiritual does require civil engagement. We should always remember that CHRIST IS REIGNING. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end... (Isaiah 9:7)

I hope you are blessed today. Show the world that Christ reigns in your life.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I slept in this morning and it felt great.

We had a great time celebrating the Scottish Reformation yesterday. I saw lots of smiles and heard much laughter. The Lord is so kind to us.

This week, I have ambitious study plans and hope I can reach my goals. We will be resuming our normal Sunday evening schedule and will be studying the First Commandment.

Tomorrow is election day and I think it is important to remember that we should be voting for candidates that are compatible with our Christian worldview. Its not about R's and D's its about the glory of Christ. He is Preeminent! We should act like it.