Saturday, October 30, 2010

Preeminence of Christ

Since Christ must have preeminence in all things, why do you think we have compartmentalized and limited His domain to personal salvation? This of colossal importance but shouldn't His preeminence extend to our marriage, parenting, vocational life, business, recreation, entertainment, law, government(self, church, state), bioethics, euthanasia, abortion, education...

As Christians, we should be searching the Scriptures daily to discern the wisdom of God. We must be prepared to apply the whole counsel of God to every circumstance we face. Sometimes, we may be forced to delay action because we have not yet prayed and searched the Bible for the wisdom needed to make an informed decision. I have failed to think critically of all that is around me. Sinfulness, weariness and laziness compel me to practically agree with the Enemy's ancient deception, "Did God really say?..." I may not question Him overtly but in my unwillingness to shine the bright light of His Word on 'X' I have practically said, "Christ isn't preeminent in this area."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bad Blogger

Our schedule has been hectic and I have not been a good blogger. Please forgive me.

This week our church will be having our annual Reformation Day celebration. If your family doesn't have plans on Sunday afternoon from about 1-4:30 we would love to have you be our guests. We'd be even more thrilled if you joined us for worship at 10:30 am. The theme this year is John Knox and the Scottish Reformation. Please contact me at if you would like to attend or for more information. We would like to prepare for you in advance so you could enjoy all of the activities.

Lord willing, I will be preaching the last section in Acts 18 this Lord's Day. Next week, we will resume our normal Sunday schedule and I plan to preach on the first word of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments, first commandment). This will be controversial to many because we live in such a lawless era. I am one of those dinosaurs that actually believe the Law of God is binding on all men in every generation. The law is good if one uses it lawfully...The series won't be in any way original but I hope it will reflect a high view of God and His Word.

May the Lord be pleased to send the Greatest Awakening to our homes and churches.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Radical Continuitist

Have you read the Bible today? If not, leave the computer and be nourished by the Word!

I have a great study week planned. I will be studying for Wednesday night in Psalm 119, Thursday morning in Exodus, Sunday morning in Acts 18 and Sunday night in Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5. What an awesome (the historical usage) privilege.

I am reading Christ of The Covenants, by O.P. Robertson. I absolutely love this book, he is preaching to the choir. I love the continuity of the Scriptures.

My two writing project ideas are: Idolatry-The Chief of Sins and Holy Etiquette-Worship In the Manner He has Prescribed. What do you think? Are these topics that need to be addressed?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lord's Day Tomorrow

Sunday really is the best day of the week. Ever since the Lord graciously saved me I have been delighted to be with the Lord's people for corporate worship.

Tomorrow we will look at the second half of Paul's missionary travels in Corinth, Lord willing.

The world famous Vance family will be joining us tomorrow for worship.

Jacob and I had a great time of fellowship and Bible study this week. We really enjoyed listening to Joe Morecraft in person at the conference. We also climbed Stone Mountain. It was really fun and a bit harder than we expected.

See you tomorrow, Lord willing.