Monday, August 31, 2009


This morning I woke up before my alarm with unusual energy. I felt like I was shot out of a cannon. The day has not disappointed. Please pray for my mother-in-law Dee. She will be having surgery tomorrow.

I am amazed today at the possibilities before us. Some of you may need to come and be a part!

Proverbs (family devotion)
Ephesians (personal devotion)
2 Chronicles (just Bible reading

Sorry, that is all I have today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Answer Is Yes

Thanks to all who prayed. We will be living in Windermere. I was telling my wife about the hermeneutics of our move this morning. The fact is we will be moving to Windermere. But, how will people interpret that move? We can't control the perceptions. The ultimate reason we are moving is for ministry (moving faster than expected because of our landlord). There is a tremendous need for missionaries in the southwest quadrant of Orlando. There is Gospel work to be done. Maybe we could change the way we think about our housing. You have to live somewhere, you might as well occupy the land for Christ as His ambassadors!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

September, October, Ever?

We will know for sure (we were told) if we have the Windermere house tomorrow morning. It got me thinking. Is a "no" answer a bad one? If "yes" why the delay? The Lord is working to make us more like Christ. I am more patient than I used to be but, I certainly need growth in that area. After all, I have plans to execute (I am already behind schedule) for the Kingdom... Even good intentions get mixed with self interest. His plans are better than my plans. If the only purpose in waiting is my sanctification then I say 'Praise the Lord.' If the answer is "no" what were we spared from? If "yes" we get what we thought we wanted with a little divine instruction along the way. Maybe we all need to have a more dynamic heavenly perspective on our circumstances. Then our anxiety would be cast into the calm waters of His providential care.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today I am trying to have a profitable time studying. I plan to preach on the last section of Acts 5.
We are still awaiting word on our home. We are starting to think that though we have met all the criteria the landlord would not prefer a radical pastor, his wife, 8 children and a less than stellar mini basset named "Rebel" to live in her newly refurbished home.
On tap for reading: "Telling The Truth: Evangelizing Postmoderns" edited by DA Carson.
To say we are in the swirl of chaos this week would be an understatement. Thanks for your friendship and fellowship in the Gospel. It makes you wonder how unbelievers survive times like this. I love the God who is Holy and Sovereign!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We have been praying very specifically about a home in Windermere in which to live. It seems as though the Lord has opened the door. Please pray for us today as decisions will most likely be finalized.
I enjoyed our elder's meeting this morning. It is good to be engaged in the battle on the Lord's team.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith, It's Hard

I am praying for something earnestly today. We need a new place to live. All I can see are the things in the way. My confidence wavers. Does God have a good plan for me? Theologically, I know the answer and most of the time practically as well. But today, all I see is my sin and the reasons I shouldn't be blessed. Maybe that isn't all bad. Grace, Grace, God's Grace...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Reading List For This Week

Christ-Centered Preaching by Brian Chappel
Where In The World Is The Church by Michael Horton

Bible reading (non sermon prep):
1-2 Chronicles

I think 1-2 Chronicles are extremely valuable in order to understand the context of the New Testament. With a tripartite division of the books (Hebrew Bible format) the retelling of Israel's history closes the OT canon. I believe that is a critical piece of the hermeneutical equation that is often overlooked. I believe that Jesus, His Disciples (including Paul) saw the realization of Israel's redemptive history in Christ. Though that may seem obvious it is quite dense when you begin to examine it.
I have really enjoyed the Horton and Chappel books. I want to grow in both my preaching and understanding the Church's relationship with the culture. Are you reading anything praiseworthy?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Flat tire, no jack- Why we need each other

This morning I headed to the gym to workout knowing I had a tire with some problems. On the way I thought "my plan has worked I can do what I want before taking care of this." Driving from the gym the vibration began to increase I thought if I slowed down maybe I could make it home. Kathunk, kathunk... I have a flat tire. This mishap was made more exciting since I remembered my jack broke the last time I had a flat. My friend and coelder Kevin came to my aid. I used his jack, which slipped and caused my behemoth truck to fall onto the rotor and pin the spare tire under my wheel well, significantly damaging my front quarter panel. Only the restraining and sanctifying work of the Lord prevented me from going nuclear. Kevin left to buy a floor jack. In the meantime, Raleigh, Billy and Raleigh came to my aid. These were country folk who knew a thing or two about trucks (the fact that I drove a Ford endeared me to them, sorry Dad-Chevy man). Grandpa, Dad and teenage son quickly moved in (they carry floor jacks with them). My spare is now in place. I write about my morning to remind you of your need for Christian fellowship. These "brethren" had tools and knowledge I didn't possess. The Lord intended us to live in community. Have you forsaken or begrudged the assembling of yourslves together? Have you failed to ask for help in your time of need. There are Raleighs and Billys ready to help. We need each other, its part of His plan.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday challenges

The Word is authoritative, inerrant, infallible and sufficient. Whatever you are facing today, Christ has given the Christian all that he needs for life and godliness in His Word. Some of you may need to turn off your laptops, x off facebook, twitter et al and read the Bible. They don't have the answers you are looking for. Are you more apt to check your email or social network than the special revelation of God? Repent. His communion fellowship is both sweeter and satisfying.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Praying about strategic move

We have a challenge and an opportunity. One the one hand, we found out that we need to move. On the other, we have an opportunity to move into the heart of an area that is lacking sound doctrine and witness for Christ. Please pray for us. We will likely decide this week whether we take the house we are negotiating or continue searching. It looks like the Lord is clearly directing us but, we know He could close the door. I am very excited about making Christ known in the Windermere/Dr. Phillips area and in Orlando.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Reaching the community

I daily think about how to make Christ known in the community. Everywhere I look I see my fellow inhabitants of God's creation failing to acknowledge their Creator. In place of Him, they have constructed an idol of self whereby they bow down, worship and practice their sinful desires. The only remedy is the proclamation of the Gospel message. Though I feel discouraged, I know Christ came into the world to save sinners. What a blessed hope...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reforming Preacher blog is launched

I will attempt to chronicle my pursuit of Christ-likeness. It will include info about our church, Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, life with my beautiful wife Dana and our 8 children, plus musings as I reflect upon Christ's preeminence. Soli Deo Gloria !