Thursday, July 29, 2010

Homeland and Cemeteries

This morning, we went out to see our family homestead and visit the burial sites of dozens of our people. I was amazed to stand at the family church cemetery at the top of the hill (severely sloped, like small mountains) and see all of the tombstones of our relatives. And looking to the right toward the horizon I could see our farmstead and the house my grandfather built for his family on property from his father-in-law, my great grandfather. As a lifelong resident of Orlando (one of the most transient places on earth) it seemed like a different world. I have lived in a dozen places but, my great uncle Harvey (75 years) lives in the home he was born in. He has never lived anywhere else excepting his Marine military service. His many great grandparents lived on the same plot of land.

I need to conclude my night with Word and prayer. Grace to you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We arrived in PA this afternoon. The rolling hills are beautiful. We will be going to visit my extended family tomorrow in 2 locations. Please pray that they will see Christ in us and give attention to the Gospel.

Please pray for my sprained ankle. I injured it the Saturday evening prior to going on vacation. It is swollen and I renamed it my "knanckle" because it is almost as big as my knee. I am hoping to go to some old bookstores to find buried theological treasures.

We miss y'all and look forward to being back with you in about a week.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation Post #2

We had a great Lord's day in Charlottesville, VA. The saints at Christ Reformed Baptist Church were very kind and hospitable. Pastor Jeff Riddle faithfully preached the Word in 1Peter 5. After lunch they had a second service which included a message on the Lord's prayer and communion. The Riddle family gave us a tour of the University of Virginia. The Rotunda was a phenomenal structure. We then went to the Riddle home which was very near the actual "Walton's mountain" and had a great time fellowship. The kids made fast friends and we talked of diverse matters ecclesial and theological.

We missed the saints at Covenant and hope everyone is blessed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation post #1

We went to Washington, D. C. yesterday and had the quote of the day from SuSu, our soon to be 3 year old. When asked about the sights and activities of the day she said, "we walk-ded and drive-ded." She didn't remember the Smithsonian museums, the Capitol etc. She only remembered the hot walking and long driving.

I am looking forward to fellowshiping with some new brethren in Charlottesville, VA on Sunday. It always amazes me at how "at home" I feel when visiting with like-minded brethren. The Lord has made us one Body!

I have been reading a ton of books recreationally. No novels for me, give me that old time theology.

I spent some time with a reformed pastor on Tuesday and really enjoyed it. We had lunch, and enjoyed a great time of fellowship.

I have loved not being on my phone or on the internet. Grace to you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am working through my list for the week. I have an elder meeting tomorrow and 2 sermons on Sunday. We are beyond excited about traveling. I love to travel by plane, train, car, covered wagon, whatever mode you have...I have appreciated elements of every state, country I have been in. God's creation is amazing. "The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament shows His handiwork." (Psalm 19:1)

The path of discipleship is filled with trial. Lift up your head and climb over the obstacles.

I am engaged in a couple of spiritual battles, please pray for me. I have been reading a lot of theology the last couple of weeks. It has been fruitful in my life.

I am so grateful for the friends (the Kolars) who are caring for our dog and providing a 15 passenger van (the Scimecas) for us to use. Thank you for loving us tangibly.

Please pray that this vacation will be a time of refreshment for us.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday night

We had a nice prayer meeting tonight using Psalm 119 (Beth section) as a starting point. We won't be having any Wednesday night prayer meetings July 21, July 28 or Aug. 4. We will resume on August 11th.

I am enthusiastic about Acts 16 and "The Love Of Christ" for this Sunday. It is a privilege to serve the body.

I enjoyed the German pancakes this morning...

We will be having our Bible study in Exodus tomorrow at Perkins. This blog is exciting.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The excitement is building. Our kids are very charged about the idea of traveling. They are very resilient and love adventure. We will be going to a place I have never been in central VA. The courthouse at Appomattox is where Lee surrendered to Grant. As confederates, we will probably have a moment of silence and mourn the loss of the republic as it was. Then we will rejoice in the providence of God in accomplishing His purpose in it. They have preserved the area in its original form. Lord willing, it will be fun...

We will be looking at Acts 16:6 and learning together about the Macedonian call. One error associated with this is a tendency to make the call to missions an "experience" instead of a God ordained call to serve.

I am still praying about the items from yesterday.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I am reading 'Kirk and Covenant,' a biography on John Knox today. I am also reading books and articles on the subject of Law and Gospel again.

I am looking forward to the next section in Acts. This Sunday, Lord willing, we will look at the macedonian call from Acts 16. On Sunday evening, we will be having our last message in the "Who Is Jesus?" series, concluding with 'The Love Of Christ.'

Christians should be the most holy, passionate and joyful people on the planet. Show the world you belong to HIM!

I am fasting and praying for 4 things today. Will you pray that God will bring clarity and provide the ways and means to accomplish it?

Friday, July 9, 2010


I am preparing Lord's Day messages in Acts 16:1-5 and on the subject of "The Preeminence of Christ," which will primarily be an exegesis of Col. 1:18.

Col. 1 has always been one of my favorite texts. It is soul satisfying to think about the centrality and unrivaled position of Christ. He must have first place in all things!

I was asked recently what my end times views were...I am a postmillenialist. I see the triumph of the Gospel as fundamental to our understanding of Christ's atoning work. His victory is sure!

The upcoming planned vacation will do wonders for my personal devotional and reading life, Lord willing. I am taking 3 large volumes and hope to devour them. My son Jacob is trying to convince me to grow a beard on the trip. I am hot-natured so it sounds unappealing due to the heat. Plus, I will look like a mean old Calvinist!

If the Lord wills, we will be spending time with some friends this evening. I love this couple and sense a great kinship with them. They are very serious about their walk with Christ and love the "old paths" of the Puritans.

We will be studying Eph. 2:4-10 tomorrow morning at our men's Bible study. Contact me if you would like to come.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am still thinking about continuity/discontinuity across the testaments. It is a very stimulating exercise. The Puritans were masters at using the whole counsel of God.

The next section in Acts 16 is confounding on the surface. Paul, after fighting a monumental battle over circumcision, will circumcise Timothy for the sake of the Jews. Paul was a conciliatory fellow. This doesn't mean he compromised. The physical act of circumcision wasn't the issue...

We need to implore men, women and children to believe in Christ. We also need to be ready to invest our lives in them over the long-haul.

I look forward to seeing my friends at prayer meeting tonight.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am starting my Sunday sermon prep in Acts 16 and on "The Preeminence Of Christ" for Sunday evening. Yesterday, I had a phenomenal time reading on the Law and Gospel.

The summer months are generally slower for churches. Vacations and schedule irregularities change the routines of many people. I would urge you to commit to attend Lord's Day services no matter where you are or what is on your schedule.

We will be having our prayer meeting tomorrow night and the Sunday schedule is normal.

Margaret we missed you on Sunday and look forward to your return next week.

I am really eagerly anticipating our upcoming vacation. I can't wait to play with the wife and kids. Please pray for material provision for the trip. Our budget is tight and we are trusting the Lord for the increase.

I am hoping the Lord will make me into His man. I want to faithfully preach Christ and long to see a fruitful harvest.

Monday, July 5, 2010


After church yesterday my splendid bride and I took a long 2-3 hour nap. It was exquisite. We enjoyed a casual dinner then (rather spontaneously) went over to the Kolars here in Windermere for fireworks and a movie. They are really kind and generous folks. We absolutely love Windermere. We hope the Lord will allow us to remain here permanently.

I am reading up on the issues of law and gospel. We erect an artificial barrier between the Law of God and the Gospel of Christ. The antithesis of law is not grace or the Gospel but lawlessness. The antithesis of grace and the Gospel is not law but works. This includes the right use of the OT in light of the redemptive-historical NT fulfillment in Christ. I've been studying this for 10 years or so and still feel at square one...I am realizing again that I think much more highly of the inspired 66 books of the Bible than many commentators that I read. We really have to ask ourselves why we believe what we believe and articulate the biblical basis for our conclusions.

I hope you have a blessed day.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I am entrenched in an Acts 15 study battle. Lord willing, we will conclude the chapter this week.

I am looking forward to spending the evening with my little tribe this evening. We are being spoiled by a lady who wants to make dinner for us. She is promising steaks. Needless to say, my omentum is rejoicing. I will have to run a little extra tomorrow.

I am asking for prayer in the area of patience. I want it now!

...reading in the Institutes today. No Sunday evening service this week. Please join us on July 11th and 18th for the last 2 messages on "The Preeminence of Christ" and "The Love Of Christ."

Please pray for our planned vacation. I am going to have the opportunity to worship/fellowship/encourage a new reformed work and the pastor on the first Sunday of our trip. The following Lord's Day, I will be visiting with a new friend who serves an established reformed work in NY.

We will be engaged in a lot of extended family disciple-making in PA. My great-uncle is currently hospitalized in poor health. Also, his children and grandchildren may not be believers. Pray that we will accurately proclaim Christ and Him crucified.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


We talked about how the wicked recognize "the finger of God" (we were reading Ex. 8) and how they are unable to BELIEVE apart from regeneration during our Thursday Bible study this morning. It was an insightful nuance related to the spiritual condition of Pharaoh's sorcerers and lost people in general. The lost have some recognition (the light of nature) of the goodness of God and yet they are unwilling to believe in Him. They believe in miracles (of unknown causality) but not in the Omnipotent God who has all power and authority.

I am already looking forward to worship and fellowship on Sunday.

I am reading volumes of good theology this week. It seems the Lord has re-energized my reading by providing greater mental stamina. I find thinking deeply is much more physically demanding than exercising or physical labor. When you labor hard physically, mental exercises seem refreshing. Conversely, after much study I find physical activity to be invigorating. I was unable to exercise this morning so I will have to endure the dreaded 5:30 p.m. workout. It is a less productive time of day but it will be a testament to duty if not delight.