Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pray For Ireland

This morning, I read an article discussing Ireland's constitutional ban on abortion. Dating back to 1861, Ireland has codified its commitment to be a culture of life. This is under assault. Doctors and women's groups in Ireland and from countries like France are decrying the Irish law and are pressuring the Emerald Isle's inhabitants to comply with European Union standards of women's rights. In other words, they want to sanction murder in Ireland. Please pray for the church there. Pray that the ministers of the Gospel will speak loudly and the congregations will be bold in opposition.

My study today will largely be in Acts 20 for Sunday's message. Paul did not neglect to declare the whole counsel of God!

This morning we had an enjoyable Bible study in Exodus 16. The numbers were few but the fellowship sweet.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Today is my day "off" from normal message related studies. I plan to read a couple of books for my own spiritual development today.

I have really enjoyed having my grandmother visit. I miss seeing her regularly.

I still feel we need to be doing a better job reaching out to the unchurched and underchurched in our community. Let me know if you have any ideas about this.

I am also praying for greater zeal and earnestness for Christ's glory, with an emphasis on personal obedience.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


One of my FB friends made a very thought provoking comment today. He mentioned that the Pilgrims of the first Thanksgiving didn't celebrate holidays, and the irony that a holiday would be celebrated in their honor (at least in part). Another friend was led to ask whom the atheists are thanking in their celebrations of "Thanksgiving." Very interesting...

Whatever Thanksgiving is being used for rightly or wrongly, the Christian has the opportunity to give thanks to our Creator and Redeemer on Thanksgiving. I get to see my grandmother and spend time with extended family. We will have a feast and then it will conclude very suddenly. The meal will last about 20 minutes if you aren't intentional about slowing it down. The Christian needs to be more thankful everyday. Maybe tomorrow's remembrance will lead you into a pattern of continual Thanksgiving?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I am looking forward to prayer meeting tonight. Psalm 119:121-128 will be the text studied.

I exercised and ate like a skinny guy today. Maybe I will be a skinny guy again if I can repeat this cycle for about 600 days.

The Gospel work is plodding along. Remember last week's sermon, Paul labored regularly and ordinarily then God blessed abundantly in His timing.

Dinner with our friends last night was so much fun.

Pray for the Lord's guidance and direction and He will not leave you in the dark.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We are looking forward to dinner with friends tonight. I have been studying the pastoral epistles this week for my private devotion and we are now studying Colossians in family devotions. We had a great discussion about prayer and walking in wisdom toward those that are outside.

I am just now starting to look toward Sunday and Acts 19 and the Third Commandment.

I am becoming more concerned about the TSA body scanning at airports. I don't quite know what to make of it but it is NOT good.

I hope the Lord is blessing you this week.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob

Today is my oldest son's 14th birthday. I can't believe it. We are so thankful for God's good gift in Jacob.

I hope your day is blessed. Take pains to make the Lord's Day special by preparing your hearts and taking care of practical needs.

I am still studying...

Friday, November 12, 2010


I am officially going nuts. My E key has been broken for awhile and I can't take it anymore!

I am studying in Acts and Exodus today. I hope the Lord will be pleased to bless the preaching Sunday.

I am a glutton. I eat too much. It is sin. Please pray that I will have the victory in Christ.

I am loving this Florida weather, sunny and 75.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the king of creation, Oh my soul praise Him for He is my light and salvation....

Friday, November 5, 2010


We are enjoying our out of town guests and looking forward to cousin Kelly's wedding tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning we will be having our men's Bible study. The Brenyo crazy train keeps rolling, with no end in sight. We need a life vacation. Just a calendar with nothing scheduled but our normal routine.

On Monday, my mother in law celebrates her 70th birthday. Happy birthday Mrs. Delene Hill!

I am embroiled in some tough studying in Acts 19. It is Friday and I am not yet clear on how to communicate the message from the text.

Pray for your friend and foe today. The Watson quote is fitting, "Bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Elijah gave himself a very trendy, though patchy haircut yesterday. So his mama finished the job for him. Kids, you may want to rethink the self-styling.
Today is a big study day for me. After all, Sunday is coming.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Morning reading in Romans

This morning I had a great time of reading and meditation in Rom. 1-5. As a new believer, I was drawn to study Romans. My love for the book has never waned. I am always amazed at how fresh and new familiar texts can be. The Word is living and active!

I am praying for the people of our country today. The solutions to our problems are not "political" but spiritual. The spiritual does require civil engagement. We should always remember that CHRIST IS REIGNING. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end... (Isaiah 9:7)

I hope you are blessed today. Show the world that Christ reigns in your life.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I slept in this morning and it felt great.

We had a great time celebrating the Scottish Reformation yesterday. I saw lots of smiles and heard much laughter. The Lord is so kind to us.

This week, I have ambitious study plans and hope I can reach my goals. We will be resuming our normal Sunday evening schedule and will be studying the First Commandment.

Tomorrow is election day and I think it is important to remember that we should be voting for candidates that are compatible with our Christian worldview. Its not about R's and D's its about the glory of Christ. He is Preeminent! We should act like it.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Preeminence of Christ

Since Christ must have preeminence in all things, why do you think we have compartmentalized and limited His domain to personal salvation? This of colossal importance but shouldn't His preeminence extend to our marriage, parenting, vocational life, business, recreation, entertainment, law, government(self, church, state), bioethics, euthanasia, abortion, education...

As Christians, we should be searching the Scriptures daily to discern the wisdom of God. We must be prepared to apply the whole counsel of God to every circumstance we face. Sometimes, we may be forced to delay action because we have not yet prayed and searched the Bible for the wisdom needed to make an informed decision. I have failed to think critically of all that is around me. Sinfulness, weariness and laziness compel me to practically agree with the Enemy's ancient deception, "Did God really say?..." I may not question Him overtly but in my unwillingness to shine the bright light of His Word on 'X' I have practically said, "Christ isn't preeminent in this area."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bad Blogger

Our schedule has been hectic and I have not been a good blogger. Please forgive me.

This week our church will be having our annual Reformation Day celebration. If your family doesn't have plans on Sunday afternoon from about 1-4:30 we would love to have you be our guests. We'd be even more thrilled if you joined us for worship at 10:30 am. The theme this year is John Knox and the Scottish Reformation. Please contact me at if you would like to attend or for more information. We would like to prepare for you in advance so you could enjoy all of the activities.

Lord willing, I will be preaching the last section in Acts 18 this Lord's Day. Next week, we will resume our normal Sunday schedule and I plan to preach on the first word of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments, first commandment). This will be controversial to many because we live in such a lawless era. I am one of those dinosaurs that actually believe the Law of God is binding on all men in every generation. The law is good if one uses it lawfully...The series won't be in any way original but I hope it will reflect a high view of God and His Word.

May the Lord be pleased to send the Greatest Awakening to our homes and churches.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Radical Continuitist

Have you read the Bible today? If not, leave the computer and be nourished by the Word!

I have a great study week planned. I will be studying for Wednesday night in Psalm 119, Thursday morning in Exodus, Sunday morning in Acts 18 and Sunday night in Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5. What an awesome (the historical usage) privilege.

I am reading Christ of The Covenants, by O.P. Robertson. I absolutely love this book, he is preaching to the choir. I love the continuity of the Scriptures.

My two writing project ideas are: Idolatry-The Chief of Sins and Holy Etiquette-Worship In the Manner He has Prescribed. What do you think? Are these topics that need to be addressed?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lord's Day Tomorrow

Sunday really is the best day of the week. Ever since the Lord graciously saved me I have been delighted to be with the Lord's people for corporate worship.

Tomorrow we will look at the second half of Paul's missionary travels in Corinth, Lord willing.

The world famous Vance family will be joining us tomorrow for worship.

Jacob and I had a great time of fellowship and Bible study this week. We really enjoyed listening to Joe Morecraft in person at the conference. We also climbed Stone Mountain. It was really fun and a bit harder than we expected.

See you tomorrow, Lord willing.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rebel The Wonder Dog

We wonder if he will ever stop being a puppy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Tuesdays are usually great study days for me. I begin to think about the sermons for Sunday and prepare the Wednesday and Thursday Bible studies.

The kids seem to be healing from their illnesses. Thank you for praying.

I am looking forward to spending some one on one time with my oldest son next week. The time will have a spiritual emphasis but, I think there will be some fun too. He is going to be a great man of God.

The path of faithfulness has many obstacles. Whenever you begin to feel weary, run harder. You are now a bondservant to righteousness. You will have the victory in Christ!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I am doing sermon prep in Acts 17 and Deut. 7. It is an awesome responsibility and privilege.
The sermon at Mars Hill is extremely important to the church in all ages. I hope the Holy Spirit will illumine our understanding and provide unction.

It has been good to visit with our new niece this week. The Lord is so gracious to our family. Gabrielle, your aunt Dana and uncle Christopher love you.

I am praying for each church family today. I hope your day is blessed and you are beginning to consider the joyful prospect of worship with the saints on Sunday.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today, I have my hands full. I have preparation work in Psalm 119 for prayer meeting tonight. I also have to work in Exodus 12 (tomorrow morning's Bible study) and Acts 17 and Deuteronomy 7 for the Sunday messages.

I have been blessed by the response of our body to the T family as M recovers. Keep up the good work!

I mentioned that I felt the Lord could use the message this Sunday in a special way. Would you pray that the Lord would use the text to change lives?

May the Lord Jesus Christ be exalted in us.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday evening

Today was my niece Katie's 4th birthday. My supermom (and superhot) wife Dana Sue made her a cool orange dinosaur cake.

I am completely riveted by Paul's sermon in Acts 17. You can see the divine wisdom of the Spirit coming through Paul's ministry to the Athenians.

In case you haven't noticed, I am also very much awakened on the issue of idolatry. I am praying about writing on the subject. Would you be supportive of this?

We will have our regular elder's meeting tomorrow. Pray that the Lord would give us wisdom to be faithful undershepherds.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I had one of my most favorite homemade breakfasts this morning, a fried egg sandwich. It was so good.

We have house guests so things are a bit hectic. I had a great study day yesterday.

We will be studying Actys 17 "Resemble The Bereans" on Sunday morning and Deut. 7 "You Are A Holy People" on Sunday evening, Lord willing.

I am feeling a great burden to study and write. Please pray that the Lord will direct my labors.

We also have our men's Bible study Saturday morning. I better get back to work...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday 3 September

I am really enjoying my study in Acts 17 today. There is nothing like the Holy Scriptures.

We have survived another week. Praise be to God! The children are working so hard. My beautiful bride works from dawn until midnight caring for and educating our 8 children. I am so blessed. The Lord gave extra grace to me and more mission for Dana Sue.

I am looking forward to corporate worship with the saints @ Covenant on Sunday, DV.

We are having beans and rice (with ham) and cornbread for supper. The aroma is splendid and causing my big belly to groan in expectation.

We were able to pick up our Excursion from the repair shop this afternoon. God was so merciful to us. The mechanic is a man of his word and seems to deal with us with a high degree of integrity. Thank you Lord, for your new daily mercies...

Friday, August 27, 2010


Sunday is coming. I love the Lord's Day. We hope to see you at church.

The family is all working on school, Dana is preparing for our sister-in-law's baby shower tomorrow and I am working on my messages.

I have to say I am ready for some slightly cooler weather. I don't want the frigid stuff you Yankees like, just a little less heat. Wednesday night we had a good prayer meeting and I was struck by how many needs and prayer requests each of us have. We must 'pray without ceasing.'

I am still praying that the Lord will bring an increase to us in holiness, reverence, depth of devotion, discipleship and that He would lead more of His to our congregation. Please pray that we will be faithful and fruitful.

I am really praying about doing some writing on the subject of idolatry. Please pray that I will find some time to devote to that.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Panera with Caleb

I am currently working @ Panera with my son Caleb. He is writing a paper entitled,"Why a 10 year old boy should obey God" and I am working on my church responsibilities.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As I look around, I see very little that acknowledges God's existence. Let alone, any notion of His Supreme Authority and Preeminence over all things! The Lord Jesus Christ is able to change the hearts of men. After all, He did it for you and me. Never diminish the Glory of Christ by importing your pessimism. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or think. He cares more about the decline of the individual, the family, the Church and the State than we do. It's exciting to think about what He could accomplish, if He wills.

What can you do today to bring Glory to Christ? Is there a person hurting who needs your love? Is there a person hungry who needs food? Is there someone drowning in the depths of their sin?
You are uniquely qualified to help them. Look for the good works He has planned for you to walk in. You fulfill a vital ministry role in His kingdom!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I have been blog posting challenged. My "e" key isn't working well. Do you know how many words have an E in them?

I am studying Acts 16 and Deut. 6 for the Sunday messages.

My wife and children have been working real hard on their home education. The kids are developing important life/discipline skills. We have been requiring them to write essays everyday. It is good to see them progress in the faith.

The path of sanctification and Christ-likeness can be very challenging. We must persevere...

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I am studying for my messages tomorrow. I have imposed a new deadline for Saturday nights for the purpose of rest and honoring the Lord's Day. I am striving to put down my sermon prep by 7 p.m. This will be a change for me because I usually stay up until about 1 a.m. or later going over the texts/sermon notes. I don't know if I will make it today, but I will be in bed much earlier than usual. Hopefully, I will practice this new discipline in my life and trust God to bless my preparations and to demonstrate my confidence in Him by resting from my labors.

I am looking forward to the mini-series in Deuteronomy 6 for the remaining Sunday nights in August. This will nicely prepare us for the Fall series on The 10 Commandments, Lord willing.

Take some time to prepare your hearts for worship tomorrow. Finish all of your preparations for Sunday today so you can enjoy the day unencumbered.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Church Must Speak

Today, the state of California has again decided that the "marriage" of homosexuals will be legal and celebrated in California. Their vile perversions will be now sanctioned by the state. These satanic unions will never be legitimate however. Californians who believe in Christ and the whole of the Church should be screaming against this. But, sadly we have already been inoculated on the homosexual agenda. There has been a steady stream of evil propaganda that is now very familiar to us. Lets face it, Christians are now comfortable with the gay agenda. This decision is an assault on God's institution of marriage and in direct violation of His Law. The practice of homosexuality was formerly punishable by death because of its severity. While some of you are thinking, "I am glad we live in the New Covenant era." I would urge another look at Romans 1. Romans 1:24-32 says homosexuals are worthy of severe punishment for their crimes and likewise, those who approve of them. Instead, the largest state in America celebrates what God views as wicked. The Church has become complicit in these perversions because we have failed to speak with greater earnestness than the haters of God. The Church must now speak out against this thing that our LORD hates...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I will be deep in study and would appreciate your prayers for the 2 messages for Sunday.

I am gobbling up theology right now. The Lord has given me an unquenchable desire to know more of Him.

My oldest son has been participating in Nick Anderson's (former Magic player) basketball camp. I was delighted when he mentioned in prayer meeting that he wanted God to give him a greater hunger for Christ and His Word. The week had been characterized by a lot of basketball talk. We earnestly pray that our children's lives will be governed by passionate love for Christ and that the world in opposition to Him would not draw them away from that pure devotion.

I feel strangely blessed and serene even though I have some trying circumstances. I guess this is the very essence of the Christian experience. We should experience peace, joy and contentment in all our seasons.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday afternoon

We had a good elders meeting this morning. The saints at Covenant are loved.

This week life returns to normal. I really love travel but there is something really pleasing about everyday life.

I will be preparing 2 sermons, a Wednesday night prayer meeting, and a Thursday morning Bible study starting today. I am not complaining. I am delighted to have this awesome privilege. The saying "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" is true for me. The toilsome labor of work is a product of the fall. But, Adam worked the Garden prior to the fall. The Lord has freed us from sin and death. He also gives us blessed work to perform for His Glory.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday evening

It is really good to be home. We have been feverishly working to bring our domain back to normal. Elijah (age 4) asked where we would be going today. The new normal for him is travel. We joyfully told him, "We are staying home!"

I am studying Acts 16 for the sermon tomorrow. I really missed the privilege of preaching sermons the last 2 weeks. There will not be a Sunday evening service tomorrow night. Our normal schedule resumes next week.

I look forward to worship, fellowship and witness with you tomorrow, Lord willing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We have been in the PA mountains enjoying the cooler weather and time with my aunt and uncle. We plan to be home at the end of the week and look forward to our normal routine.
SuSu had a great birthday yesterday. It is hard to believe my "pretty baby" is 3 years old.

I caught 2 rainbow trout today on a fly rod. Both fish fought well. Of course, the big one got away.

I have enjoyed my recreational reading time. I have mowed through 3 books and read countless articles. I also listened to at least 15 sermons while driving.

I look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday, Lord willing. I send my special thanks to the elders for carrying the load while I have been away.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Homeland and Cemeteries

This morning, we went out to see our family homestead and visit the burial sites of dozens of our people. I was amazed to stand at the family church cemetery at the top of the hill (severely sloped, like small mountains) and see all of the tombstones of our relatives. And looking to the right toward the horizon I could see our farmstead and the house my grandfather built for his family on property from his father-in-law, my great grandfather. As a lifelong resident of Orlando (one of the most transient places on earth) it seemed like a different world. I have lived in a dozen places but, my great uncle Harvey (75 years) lives in the home he was born in. He has never lived anywhere else excepting his Marine military service. His many great grandparents lived on the same plot of land.

I need to conclude my night with Word and prayer. Grace to you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We arrived in PA this afternoon. The rolling hills are beautiful. We will be going to visit my extended family tomorrow in 2 locations. Please pray that they will see Christ in us and give attention to the Gospel.

Please pray for my sprained ankle. I injured it the Saturday evening prior to going on vacation. It is swollen and I renamed it my "knanckle" because it is almost as big as my knee. I am hoping to go to some old bookstores to find buried theological treasures.

We miss y'all and look forward to being back with you in about a week.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation Post #2

We had a great Lord's day in Charlottesville, VA. The saints at Christ Reformed Baptist Church were very kind and hospitable. Pastor Jeff Riddle faithfully preached the Word in 1Peter 5. After lunch they had a second service which included a message on the Lord's prayer and communion. The Riddle family gave us a tour of the University of Virginia. The Rotunda was a phenomenal structure. We then went to the Riddle home which was very near the actual "Walton's mountain" and had a great time fellowship. The kids made fast friends and we talked of diverse matters ecclesial and theological.

We missed the saints at Covenant and hope everyone is blessed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation post #1

We went to Washington, D. C. yesterday and had the quote of the day from SuSu, our soon to be 3 year old. When asked about the sights and activities of the day she said, "we walk-ded and drive-ded." She didn't remember the Smithsonian museums, the Capitol etc. She only remembered the hot walking and long driving.

I am looking forward to fellowshiping with some new brethren in Charlottesville, VA on Sunday. It always amazes me at how "at home" I feel when visiting with like-minded brethren. The Lord has made us one Body!

I have been reading a ton of books recreationally. No novels for me, give me that old time theology.

I spent some time with a reformed pastor on Tuesday and really enjoyed it. We had lunch, and enjoyed a great time of fellowship.

I have loved not being on my phone or on the internet. Grace to you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am working through my list for the week. I have an elder meeting tomorrow and 2 sermons on Sunday. We are beyond excited about traveling. I love to travel by plane, train, car, covered wagon, whatever mode you have...I have appreciated elements of every state, country I have been in. God's creation is amazing. "The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament shows His handiwork." (Psalm 19:1)

The path of discipleship is filled with trial. Lift up your head and climb over the obstacles.

I am engaged in a couple of spiritual battles, please pray for me. I have been reading a lot of theology the last couple of weeks. It has been fruitful in my life.

I am so grateful for the friends (the Kolars) who are caring for our dog and providing a 15 passenger van (the Scimecas) for us to use. Thank you for loving us tangibly.

Please pray that this vacation will be a time of refreshment for us.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday night

We had a nice prayer meeting tonight using Psalm 119 (Beth section) as a starting point. We won't be having any Wednesday night prayer meetings July 21, July 28 or Aug. 4. We will resume on August 11th.

I am enthusiastic about Acts 16 and "The Love Of Christ" for this Sunday. It is a privilege to serve the body.

I enjoyed the German pancakes this morning...

We will be having our Bible study in Exodus tomorrow at Perkins. This blog is exciting.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The excitement is building. Our kids are very charged about the idea of traveling. They are very resilient and love adventure. We will be going to a place I have never been in central VA. The courthouse at Appomattox is where Lee surrendered to Grant. As confederates, we will probably have a moment of silence and mourn the loss of the republic as it was. Then we will rejoice in the providence of God in accomplishing His purpose in it. They have preserved the area in its original form. Lord willing, it will be fun...

We will be looking at Acts 16:6 and learning together about the Macedonian call. One error associated with this is a tendency to make the call to missions an "experience" instead of a God ordained call to serve.

I am still praying about the items from yesterday.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I am reading 'Kirk and Covenant,' a biography on John Knox today. I am also reading books and articles on the subject of Law and Gospel again.

I am looking forward to the next section in Acts. This Sunday, Lord willing, we will look at the macedonian call from Acts 16. On Sunday evening, we will be having our last message in the "Who Is Jesus?" series, concluding with 'The Love Of Christ.'

Christians should be the most holy, passionate and joyful people on the planet. Show the world you belong to HIM!

I am fasting and praying for 4 things today. Will you pray that God will bring clarity and provide the ways and means to accomplish it?

Friday, July 9, 2010


I am preparing Lord's Day messages in Acts 16:1-5 and on the subject of "The Preeminence of Christ," which will primarily be an exegesis of Col. 1:18.

Col. 1 has always been one of my favorite texts. It is soul satisfying to think about the centrality and unrivaled position of Christ. He must have first place in all things!

I was asked recently what my end times views were...I am a postmillenialist. I see the triumph of the Gospel as fundamental to our understanding of Christ's atoning work. His victory is sure!

The upcoming planned vacation will do wonders for my personal devotional and reading life, Lord willing. I am taking 3 large volumes and hope to devour them. My son Jacob is trying to convince me to grow a beard on the trip. I am hot-natured so it sounds unappealing due to the heat. Plus, I will look like a mean old Calvinist!

If the Lord wills, we will be spending time with some friends this evening. I love this couple and sense a great kinship with them. They are very serious about their walk with Christ and love the "old paths" of the Puritans.

We will be studying Eph. 2:4-10 tomorrow morning at our men's Bible study. Contact me if you would like to come.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am still thinking about continuity/discontinuity across the testaments. It is a very stimulating exercise. The Puritans were masters at using the whole counsel of God.

The next section in Acts 16 is confounding on the surface. Paul, after fighting a monumental battle over circumcision, will circumcise Timothy for the sake of the Jews. Paul was a conciliatory fellow. This doesn't mean he compromised. The physical act of circumcision wasn't the issue...

We need to implore men, women and children to believe in Christ. We also need to be ready to invest our lives in them over the long-haul.

I look forward to seeing my friends at prayer meeting tonight.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am starting my Sunday sermon prep in Acts 16 and on "The Preeminence Of Christ" for Sunday evening. Yesterday, I had a phenomenal time reading on the Law and Gospel.

The summer months are generally slower for churches. Vacations and schedule irregularities change the routines of many people. I would urge you to commit to attend Lord's Day services no matter where you are or what is on your schedule.

We will be having our prayer meeting tomorrow night and the Sunday schedule is normal.

Margaret we missed you on Sunday and look forward to your return next week.

I am really eagerly anticipating our upcoming vacation. I can't wait to play with the wife and kids. Please pray for material provision for the trip. Our budget is tight and we are trusting the Lord for the increase.

I am hoping the Lord will make me into His man. I want to faithfully preach Christ and long to see a fruitful harvest.

Monday, July 5, 2010


After church yesterday my splendid bride and I took a long 2-3 hour nap. It was exquisite. We enjoyed a casual dinner then (rather spontaneously) went over to the Kolars here in Windermere for fireworks and a movie. They are really kind and generous folks. We absolutely love Windermere. We hope the Lord will allow us to remain here permanently.

I am reading up on the issues of law and gospel. We erect an artificial barrier between the Law of God and the Gospel of Christ. The antithesis of law is not grace or the Gospel but lawlessness. The antithesis of grace and the Gospel is not law but works. This includes the right use of the OT in light of the redemptive-historical NT fulfillment in Christ. I've been studying this for 10 years or so and still feel at square one...I am realizing again that I think much more highly of the inspired 66 books of the Bible than many commentators that I read. We really have to ask ourselves why we believe what we believe and articulate the biblical basis for our conclusions.

I hope you have a blessed day.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I am entrenched in an Acts 15 study battle. Lord willing, we will conclude the chapter this week.

I am looking forward to spending the evening with my little tribe this evening. We are being spoiled by a lady who wants to make dinner for us. She is promising steaks. Needless to say, my omentum is rejoicing. I will have to run a little extra tomorrow.

I am asking for prayer in the area of patience. I want it now!

...reading in the Institutes today. No Sunday evening service this week. Please join us on July 11th and 18th for the last 2 messages on "The Preeminence of Christ" and "The Love Of Christ."

Please pray for our planned vacation. I am going to have the opportunity to worship/fellowship/encourage a new reformed work and the pastor on the first Sunday of our trip. The following Lord's Day, I will be visiting with a new friend who serves an established reformed work in NY.

We will be engaged in a lot of extended family disciple-making in PA. My great-uncle is currently hospitalized in poor health. Also, his children and grandchildren may not be believers. Pray that we will accurately proclaim Christ and Him crucified.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


We talked about how the wicked recognize "the finger of God" (we were reading Ex. 8) and how they are unable to BELIEVE apart from regeneration during our Thursday Bible study this morning. It was an insightful nuance related to the spiritual condition of Pharaoh's sorcerers and lost people in general. The lost have some recognition (the light of nature) of the goodness of God and yet they are unwilling to believe in Him. They believe in miracles (of unknown causality) but not in the Omnipotent God who has all power and authority.

I am already looking forward to worship and fellowship on Sunday.

I am reading volumes of good theology this week. It seems the Lord has re-energized my reading by providing greater mental stamina. I find thinking deeply is much more physically demanding than exercising or physical labor. When you labor hard physically, mental exercises seem refreshing. Conversely, after much study I find physical activity to be invigorating. I was unable to exercise this morning so I will have to endure the dreaded 5:30 p.m. workout. It is a less productive time of day but it will be a testament to duty if not delight.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am looking forward to our Wednesday night prayer meeting tonight.

I have continued to read about John Knox this week. I still need to find a couple of good biographies on him.

Have you ever thought you were born in the wrong century? I am really drawn to the 17th century. A large portion of the reformation's ideals were more fully developed and applied.

A word to recover: THEOSOPHY, n. Divine wisom, godliness; 2. Knowledge of God.
Interestingly, we now favor the term "philosophy" which is made up of two Greek words philo and sophia. Philo is 1 of 3 Gr. words attached to the idea of "love" and sophia is of course, "wisdom." Philosophy in its essence is the love of wisdom. Theosophy is love for God through the gracious gift of divine wisdom in the person of Christ. We love the God of truth and wisdom. The Greeks seek after "knowledge" and love it in all its God-hating forms. We love the true wisdom of God in the Word, Jesus Christ.

Christians need to recover our distinctive language, not borrow from the world. "Do you not know that the love of the world is enmity with God?"

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tuesday's post

We took Jameson to get a small sub from Subway. He asks us ALL the time if we will take him for a sub. He has a fond memory in the past of really enjoying a sub from the gas station Subway near our house in Lake county. Kids are crazy like that.

We are looking forward to a productive week as a family. The kids have school, Dana has her many projects etc. We would like to see some progress, although we know more will be added and our life always has unexpected twists.

I am feeling a little tired. We are looking forward to the down time that a vacation trip offers, at least in theory. Last year, I started to really relax the day before we came home. The kids can't wait to see their friends, aunts and uncles. We are hoping to go to the family farm an hour or so north of Pittsburgh that has been in the family since before the Revolutionary War. My mom has done some research on behalf of my daughter Savannah. It looks like Savannah will be able to join the exclusive, Daughters Of The American Revolution, upon her 18th birthday. This is reserved for direct family links to soldiers who served in combat. Her many "greats" grandfather fought in the War of Independence. If you have known us for any length of time, you know history stuff like that gets our attention. She will be a good steward of our family's legacy.

I covet your prayers. I hope people will pray for my walk with Christ and for my preaching ministry.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Is A Big Workday

Friday is the pinnacle day of preparation for me. I have to have my messages on track or Saturday is really tough. I always study a great deal on Saturday. But, if Friday isn't productive in a measurable way, I am disappointed and will be under the gun. The study needs to yield real results for the body not just spiritual blessings for me.

I am looking forward to this Sunday. 5 years ago (6-26-2005)we had our first meeting as a church. It is a giant leap of faith to start a church with no core group in place. We thought the Dupres would come at least once (whom we met just a few weeks prior) but weren't sure if they would like us. We knew everyone else that came would be strangers to us. It seemed a lot like the book of Acts. The Lord has been pleased to sustain us thus far. My desire to see it to the end (humanly speaking) is even stronger than the all-consuming desire I had to plant. I think that means good things for us because God is the one energizing the effort. He put those desires in my heart (and yours?) and has been faithful.

In this time of remembrance, without presuming upon God, I'd like you to join me in praying that we would see a 100-fold harvest. By this time next year I would like to see our membership number double (we have 36 members representing about 100 people in our families). I'd also like to see us begin a process of securing a permanent meeting house location, a plan to train men to plant churches and go to the mission field and see our body growing in Christ-likeness. This isn't an appeal to easy believing number boosting. It is a call to true fruitfulness in ministry. Our church was founded on biblical principles. It isn't perfect because we are here(sinners tend to make things pear-shaped). We have only one walk with Christ. Let us walk/run the race He has set before us!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


It is time for dramatic Christian courage. We must be faithful to Christ in everything we do. Shed the dualistic tendency to compartmentalize your faith. Integrity requires that we be faithful both in public and in anonymity, in business and recreation.

I am studying for the message in Acts 15 and on "The Offices Of Christ" for Sunday evening.

For fun, I am reading articles about John Knox. Knox, though highly controversial, is my favorite reformer. I would put him on par with C.H. Spurgeon. Knox is considered by many to be the most thoroughly consistent reformation figure. He subjected it all to Christ. May the Lord raise a thousand like him.

This Sunday,we will be celebrating our 5th year as a local expression of Christ's Church.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We are having a more normal week. Which means normal is actually infrequent and therefore abnormal.

I am looking forward to prayer meeting tomorrow night.

CRBC has an amazing ministry opportunity in the greater Orlando area. We must be faithful and fruitful.

My son Jacob took me to play 9 holes of golf with Caleb this morning at the Winter Park Golf Club. My schedule didn't permit us to do so yesterday on my day off. He used his own money to treat us. I felt blessed by his desire to honor me. The Lord is so good to us.

I am praying for reformation and revival. Lord do something amazing in us for Your Glory!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday fun at Panera

I am studying for my sermons at my regular hangout, Panera in Dr. Phillips. Stop by and say hi if you are driving by. I'd enjoy talking about our Lord with you.

Looking forward to the "B" family going away party (who gets to have 2 of these?) tomorrow.

SuSu woke us at 3:45a.m. last night with allergy/asthma symptoms. Even when she wakes us up in the middle of the night, she has a tremendous ability to bring joy.

I will not be able to attend any of the Ligonier conference sessions this year.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We didn't have Bible study this morning so my very routine Thursday seems a bit unusual. I am studying for both Sunday messages.

My wife has discipled dozens of young ladies and women. Tonight, two of them with their growing families will be coming to our house for a little reunion. Dana discipled them while they were in high school. We realized that one of them was Savannah's age when we met her. She is now married to a pastor and expecting her first child. These 2 women in particular, seem to appreciate my wife's investment in them 12-13 years ago.

I had hoped to go to the Ligonier conference today but it looks like my only chance will be for part of the day tomorrow and that is a bit questionable.

I am looking forward to Sunday. It is the best day of the week. May your week end with your renewed hope in and faithfulness to Christ.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The kids had a group from church (and some friends from MO) over for an informal basketball tournament this afternoon. They have fun when they get together. I spent the entire morning at the repair shop getting 2 new tires. God so graciously provided an unexpected gift for this need. They had to order the tires so I got to wait a couple of extra hours.

We will be having our normal prayer meeting tonight.

I am already behind schedule in my study goals. I will need to have very good Thursday and Friday study days.

Please join us if you need to be part of a local church that is striving to love Christ and each other. We love the Bible and want to be used for his glory.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We had a profitable elder meeting with a good time of accountability.

I am working on the next section of Acts 15 (beginning at verse 12) for Lord's day morning service and "The Humanity of Christ" for the evening. I am also praying about the texts/subjects for prayer meeting tomorrow evening.

I so desperately want to be God's man. I want to be a godly husband, father, pastor, son, brother, uncle...

I heard from an old friend via phone this morning. It is good to be in fellowship with Christ's people.

I need to exercise later today. The late afternoon workout seems much harder.

Pray for the persecuted saints.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday 150th blog post

I am currently sitting at my sometime study hangout, Panera in Dr. Phillips. The people are nice and I can use wifi for hours with a coffee purchase. It's a good use of $1.69.

I am studying diligently in Acts 15:6-11. The message this week will be entitled, "Peter Addresses the Jerusalem Council." I have really enjoyed working on this chapter and am learning a great deal.

We will be without our 2 oldest tomorrow. We are sharing them with a couple of godly families. Jacob gets to help do some work (he'll squeeze in some play) and Savannah gets to play. I am particularly grateful that Savannah gets to do something fun. She works incredibly hard for our family with a great attitude. She has NEVER complained about all the work she does. She is an exemplary daughter.

I lifted and did cardio today. I like when its over...

Please pray for the Lord to use our little church and her members for His glory.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


My children were happy to see me when I came home briefly after Bible study. It is wonderful to be a husband and father.

I hurt my back lifting weights yesterday. I laid on an ice pack and took ibuprofen right before prayer meeting. It is sore today but not nearly as bad as I originally thought it would be.

I am working on the Sunday sermons. Please pray that God would be pleased to use my feeble efforts for His Glory.

My wife and oldest daughter are reading Sherlock Holmes books. We will know where to find them when they turn up missing. They will be hiding in closets and squeezing chapters in.

We hope to take a 2 week vacation this summer. It seems impossible today but we know God has a good plan for us.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It is amazing to be a child of the King. I am rejoicing at the 'mystic sweet communion' we have in Christ.

I am praying about prayer meeting. We will probably go over Romans 6 and considering our death to sin and our new life to righteousness in Christ.

My belt went one hole smaller today. A small victory for a fat man!

The Christian life is filled with strife. Our friends fail and foes assail; it is good to remenber that He never leaves us. I was thinking how it must grieve Him to see His children not loving or living at peace with one another.

The kids were moved at their Voice of the Martyrs class today. It put their "problems" in perspective.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Happy birthday wishes to my youngest son Elijah! I hope your 4th birthday is filled with joy.

Dana is having her women's Bible study this morning. I am blessed to have such a godly wife.

I have stolen her copy (thanks for sharing AJ) of "The Works Of Henry Scougal" and began reading it in earnest late last evening. I was exposed to Scougal a few years back but I have never read his landmark work, 'The Life Of God In The Soul Of Man.' It is already one of my favorite books. Scougal has deep theological insight coupled with passionate affections toward Christ. He seems to exemplify the puritan preaching maxim of preaching (writing) with both "light and heat." I want to be a man like that.

I was glad to experience last Sunday evening's new worship service. Doing it for the first time helped me better see what needs to happen. I am tinkering with the sermon form for Sunday evening by being giving a more topical exposition that will hopefully benefit the saints and be accessible to unbelievers. I was disappointed with my message but look forward to growing and improving this week.

I am preparing my Wednesday night prayer meeting material, the sermon series in Acts 15, the Thursday a.m. Bible study in Exodus and the Sunday evening message on "The Divinity of Christ." Please pray that I will be a diligent workman and that the Holy Spirit would be pleased to provide illumination and unction.

We need to be sowing, watering and harvesting. What can you do today to advance the cause of Christ?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We will be praying through Romans 6 in prayer meeting this evening. I am working on sermon prep in Acts 15, studying for tomorrow's Thursday morning Bible study in Exodus, the monthly men's study in Eph. 2 on Saturday and my new sermon series for Sunday nights, "Who Is Jesus?" This Sunday, we will consider the Person of Christ. I need to have great study days through Saturday.

My supplemental Bible and theology reading suffered neglect this week. I must be more disciplined to get it in.

I am very excited about the future of our church. We will be growing deeper in discipleship and numerically, Lord willing. We want to establish several more RB churches in central Florida in the coming years.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I am working on sermon prep in Acts 14-15 and on my planned Sunday night series beginning on June 6th at 6pm. The series will be entitled-"Who Is Jesus?" and I currently have 6 of the messages roughly planned. If you don't have another church to go to, I'd love to meet you @ our facility: 3600 McNeil Rd, Apopka 32703. It is off Bear Lk. Rd in Apopka and close to the Maitland Interchange/I-4.

My wife is celebrating her birthday this Sunday. Happy Birthday Dana Sue!

Our Wednesday night prayer meeting was a blessing to me. We talked about bearing one another's burdens from Galatians 6. We have some fine folks...

May you take extra delight in the corporate, and private worship of our Lord this Sunday. Come to CRBC for a visit if the Lord leads.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I want to be further down my path of sanctification.

It was encouraging to have some visitors at church yesterday. Thank you Lord for your endless grace to us.

I have seen the Lord answer several of my Friday fasting prayers. It has been truly amazing.

My wife is having another class on "Being a Godly Wife and Mother" that starts tomorrow. It was used of God last time to really help some of the ladies. When you open the Word and study it deeply, great things happen.

I plan to devote a lot of energy to my personal walk with Christ today. I look forward to how He will convict, exhort and encourage me today. I will be in the last half of Romans, 1 Timothy and Daniel 7-9, Lord willing. It looks like we will be back in Proverbs for family devotions this evening.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday morning

I had a rich time of devotion this morning. I read Titus, Romans 8-10 and Daniel 3-5. It amazes me how familiar texts can be so alive. The Word is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword...I try to directly apply the pastoral epistles (in this case Titus) to my life and ministry. I really savored Romans today. Early in my reformation process I spent a large amount of time in the book. Of late, it has been more cf. material for other texts I am studying/teaching. Today, it was so new, fresh and exciting. In Daniel, I was again struck by God's providential care and how committed He is to His purposes and covenant. By the way,(since I have been saying it every week it seems) IDOLATRY IS TERMINALLY EVIL.

I am working on my sermon in Acts 14. The text for Sunday will be Acts 14:19-23, entitled, "We Must Through Many Tribulations Enter the Kingdom of God" . I wanted to maintain the narrative and complete the chapter but the density of the text requires more detailed examination.

I am also fasting today about a number of personal, spiritual and church things. Pray that I will not be distracted in my time of prayer and that God would make His direction known.

I am feeling progressively better. Thank you for praying.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Afternoon

I am working on sermon prep in Acts 14-15. What a privilege!

In my personal reading I am studying Daniel and Romans today. I will be reading in the pastoral epistles this evening. For family worship we will again be in Proverbs seeking practical wisdom for living.

The summer heat has arrived. Though I prefer it a bit cooler, summer has always been my favorite time of the year. Florida is the best.

My illness has exposed one of my fatal flaws, a lack of patience. I want to be better and I want to be better now. Lord help me to grow in this area.

I am highly offended that JB didn't bring me cinnamon rolls in my convalescence.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I am pretty sick today. In my pride, I recently told someone how I rarely get sick. Illness is a humbling event. It shows our dependence on God and others. I want to learn this lesson well. I need Christ and His saints.

If you didn't already hear, Wednesday night prayer meeting and Thursday morning Bible study are canceled. The prayer meeting is in our home I don't want anyone else to be exposed. I have a greater sympathy for my son Caleb who struggles with asthma.

The mercies of God are new each day and each day has its own challenges. Whatever you are facing, in all things praise Him.

I will be announcing the start of our Sunday evening service in the coming days. The purpose of this meeting is to more fully devote the day to the Lord in worship, equip the saints for ministry and preach the Gospel to unbelievers. I am excited about the possibility of exposing our church to those in search of a new reformed home and reaching the lost.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday supper time

Yesterday I took Bob Phillips of World Mission golfing at BH golf course in Orlando. Ed Manzano also joined us. It was a fun time, particularly since Bob was excited to play where the "pros" play. It is good to honor those who give up their comfort to serve Christ in foreign missions. Thanks MiMi (my mother in law) for providing the free passes.

I am feeling rough, coughing and have a bad sinus headache. My study plans have been interrupted but I hope to bounce back enough tonight to get in some study. Please pray for a good night's sleep.

The elders had intense meetings most of the day/night Friday and all day Saturday about issues that face our church. We prayed for our members and regular attenders and former members. The elders of CRBC love Christ and His church. There is a huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes at the church. Pray for those charged with oversight.

I am so blessed.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


We looked at the Exodus narrative this morning in Bible study with an emphasis on 6-7.

Bob Phillips of WorldMission Ministries arrives today. Come hear him preach Sunday and share about the ministry after lunch. He has work in progress in Trinidad and Tobago, Belize and Scotland.

I am feeling energized about our church's future. Pray that the Lord would send His people to us.

It feels very strange not having to prepare a Sunday sermon this week. I am working on administrative elements instead. I have been reading a large amount of Bible this week. It has been amazing to spend this time with the Lord. I don't need a personalized, sky-cracking interpretive revelation. His Spirit meets me in His Word and He speaks clearly...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Night

We had a fine prayer meeting this evening. J family you were missed I hope everyone is feeling ok. We used 2 Cor. 5-6 as a prayer guide. We considered being more heavenly minded, more thoughtful about our estate as believers who have been reconciled, our ministry as ambassadors for Christ, the urgency of the Gospel and living a pure, separate, and holy life in loving worshipful response to Christ.

Tomorrow we will study Exodus 5-6 in Sr. Bible study.

I will be working on our church vision and praying for our future.

We are trusting the Lord for a number of financial things as a family. It is good to be His and wait on Him.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday Midday

I am in much prayer about the future of our church. We need to be a faithful and productive assembly. In the future, I would like to see us training men for ministry through formal and informal instruction (internship). I would like to plant a number of churches in Florida. I would like to participate in the planting of churches in the States and abroad. I would like to see us involved on several fronts internationally. It is also my desire that we would have a permanent witness here in Orlando until the Lord comes. This would necessitate us having property and a permanent facility. We have an amazing ministry opportunity in Orlando. It is a major international crossroads. If we were to be like Paul, we would be thinking strategically about Orlando and how the Lord may be pleased to reach the nations through us.

I love to dream but this isn't just a dream for me. It is my calling. Are you interested in having a comfortable little church or do you want to turn the world upside down?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday at lunch

I have been reading The Supremacy of God in Preaching for the last couple of days. Piper really hit a home run with this one. I've enjoyed it numerous times and it never gets old. I pray the Lord would raise up thousands of preachers for His Glory.

Today, I continue sermon prep in Acts 14, Thursday Bible study prep in Exodus and prepare for tonight's prayer meeting. It is good to spend a lot of time in the Word.

We will be going over to my parent's house for an early dinner to celebrate my sister's birthday. It should be a lot of fun.

I am praying the Lord will show me who I need to share the Gospel with and invite to church. This is a dangerous prayer to offer. You will be witnessing before you know it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday afternoon

I did preliminary study in the next sermon section in Acts 14:8-18. The Bible is an inexhaustible well of truth. So often we only skim the surface and leave gold in the mine.

Tonight, my wife will be hosting a bread making class led by JB. I think it might be an excuse for the ladies to have some fellowship. I hope they save some for me.

Tomorrow, I am hoping for an excellent day of study capped off with a profitable prayer meeting. It is also my baby sister's 31st birthday. Happy birthday Rebecca!

We love the theology of the Puritans. However, few of us love the Puritan idea of holy living. May we grow to love the holy pursuits of Christ more than the enticements of the world.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday evening

My family and I went to the beach this morning and had a blast. We were in the sun for almost 3 hours. Those who took or were forced to take precautions came away unscathed. Other red beach goers didn't fare as well and will have a lingering reminder of the fun.

The Gospel of Jesus will triumph in the hearts of men, women and children. We must never forget that He saves sinners.

I had a fellow recently critique my preaching. I think he was right on. He said I needed more application and more clearly articulated "points." I told him I thought he was right but that I usually preached one point messages. I am going to try to do a better job of spelling things out. What is clear to me, may not be clear to others. I think I preach in the way that I learn or think. I need to preach in ways that helps every person in the room. I strive for being natural and non-mechanical. Additionally, I have an aversion to 3 points, 3 illustrations and 3 jokes. But, there is always room for growth. I am far away from where I'd like to be. I better get to work...Or better yet, I better get to praying that Christ would do a work in me.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday evening

My wife and I went to Lk. Sherwood Presbyterian Church (OPC) this evening. I have always wanted to meet the pastor. He wrote a great article on longevity in ministry that was a tremendous blessing to me. He has served faithfully at this church for more than 30 years (it may be more than 35). As I approach the 5th anniversary of our first meeting I have hopes of being in it for the long haul. God is sovereign. He may have a different plan but my inclination is to have a long pastorate at Covenant.

I am hoping to have a rich personal devotion time this week. I have to study for numerous reasons but nothing is more satisfying than reading and meditating on the word for personal devotion.

I am a bit discouraged, after all, it is Sunday night. I must be more diligent to meet unbelievers and invite them to Bible study and corporate worship. I so want to be faithful and fruitful.
I sometimes wish the Lord would say, "you are going in the right direction" or "you must do this differently..." Everyone has a better way for us to do church. I want His way.

I have had 2 different families ask about Sunday night services. I have been inclined to do it for some time. My initial thoughts were to do it near my home for the purposes of outreach and localized ministry. There are no Sunday night options here of any kind. The other logical choice is in the church building. I will be praying about this. Let me know if you have an opinion.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday evening

For my family, Saturday is a day of preparation. Our lives have always revolved around the Lord's Day. Because of my responsibilities I am always thinking ahead to Sunday. This is NOT a burden. It is our joy. The gathering of the saints in Christ in corporate worship is the highlight of our week. I hope you see the blessings of Sunday.

We had an encouraging Saturday morning men's Bible study this morning. It is good to fellowship around the Word. Several men brought light to the passage in Eph. 1:15-23. I was strengthened and built up in the faith.

Next week, my schedule is less dense. I have much reading and study to do. I am so looking forward to the Lord using the time for my personal growth in Christ and its manifestations in the life of our church.

If you are without a church home or are part of a fellowship that has departed from the Truth of Christ's Gospel we would love to meet you. We certainly aren't the only game in town but we are striving to be faithful and fruitful.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Afternoon

I am looking forward to praying with the saints tonight. We will be looking at several penitential Psalms: 6, 38, 51, 130. We will also attempt to give thanks for His mercies in Christ.

I am studying in Exodus 4-5 in anticipation of tomorrow's Bible study. I am beginning to look at Ephesians 1:15-23 for the men's study Saturday morning.

I double-dipped on exercise instead of lunch today. I am hungry and sore. I need results!

Our children are working very hard in school. I am proud of their diligence. Learning how to "grind" is an important life skill. Sometimes, you have to hike up your britches and just get it done. All hard work yields a profit...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday morning

We had a profitable elder's meeting this morning. It is good to serve with men who strive to be biblical.

I am hoping the Lord is positioning us for numerical and spiritual growth.

I feel so blessed to be serving this church. I hope the Lord will give me many years of fruitful service here. I pray the Lord will allow our church to be a beacon of light here and around the world.

I am planning to work on Wednesday's prayer meeting and my initial grammatical work for Sunday's sermon. On Thursday, we continue our study in Exodus 4. We also have men's Bible study this Saturday morning in Ephesians 1.

On a personal note, I hope to get back on my eating and exercising plan tonight with a big run before supper. After eating like a fat southerner last week, it is time for discipline.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Sunshine

Good morning, it is great to be alive. I am so looking forward to Lord's Day worship with the saints. It was good to have fellowship with like-minded believers this week. The Lord is building His Church.

My children are still in need of a lot of training. I guess parenting is a marathon after all. I need a lot of work too.

I am hoping to have a good day of study coupled with some play time with the kids. I hope your Saturday is blessed. Please take some time to prepare your hearts and order your lives in order to worship unencumbered tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Church

We must have a high view of the local church. The trend is to diminish the importance of the church in favor of other personal priorities. Membership in the church is a necessary organizational component of body life that is clearly implied in the Scripture.

I am already looking forward to Sunday. The fellowship of the saints is sweet.

Pray that our churches will Preach the Word!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Afternoon

We are looking forward to having some fellowship with friends tonight. Tomorrow, we will have home group in Windermere at 2pm followed by more great evening fellowship.

I am working on my message for Sunday. I have been looking forward to studying this section (end of Acts 13). We have been really blessed by the Wednesday night prayer meetings. I can see how God could be using this time to aid our growth as a church.

I am thankful for the new friends God is bringing into our lives. The future looks bright.

This morning, Dana Sue, Elijah (age 3) and I took "Rebel" for a long walk through the tree lined streets of Windermere. There are ways in which the town looks unchanged from 25-30 years ago. This is quite an accomplishment for one of the most transplanted/transient metropolitan areas in America. Our roots run deep here and it feels like home. We hope the Lord will provide a way for us to buy a home here in the next year or two.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Prayer meeting and Bible study

It was good to spend time praying with the brethren last evening. We considered how God is eternal and unchangeable using Psalm 90 as our starting point. The fellowship of the saints in prayer is wonderful. This morning, we studied Exodus 4:31-Ex. 5:7 in "Senior" Bible study. It was good to be reminded about the circumstances surrounding the exodus and that God's promises will certainly come to pass.

Today, I am hoping to get my sermon together. Lord willing, I will be focusing on the end of Acts 13, the Gentiles will be coming to Christ as some of Jews harden. Paul's mission will come into sharper focus. I hope the folks will appreciate their blessed state in Christ.

Tonight, I am hoping to spend a couple of hours with my wife drinking coffee and talking. We will stay at home and just spend time together. She is a treasure and better than I deserve. She makes our home an oasis of Christian joy.

I hope the remainder of your week is blessed.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confessional Christianity

Every church claims to be biblical. Herein lies the need to articulate what you believe. The reason the Church has relied on confessions of faith historically, is because private interpretation of The Scripture leads to error and heresy. Our church is a Reformed Baptist Church and we hold to the London Baptist Confession-1689. In this document, is a call to unity on doctrinal essentials with our Westminster and Savoy Declaration brethren. We differ on baptism and elements of church polity but we agree on the most essential elements of faith in Christ. While it sounds pious to say, 'you have no creed but Christ' and 'it is just you and your Bible,' confessionalism is a key aid in keeping the church on a sound footing doctrinally across generations. Can you imagine what Baptist churches in America would look like if they predominantly held to the London Confession ? Or if all of the Presbyterians held to the Westminster and actually were governed by it (PCUSA comes to mind)? and If the Congregationalists held to the Savoy Declaration? The truths of the Gospel would not be so easily diluted by the winds of change and relevance.

In this era of ever-increasing novelty, I grow more and more appreciative of the old paths. We will stick with the London Baptist Confession-1689...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday Evening

I am looking forward to tomorrow evening's prayer time. If you would like to visit, please contact me. This month's home group studies are on Col. 3.

Last night we had a choking scare with Ellie (age 1). She found a broken piece of tortilla chip that was very hard and it got stuck in her windpipe. It was very scary. She went from screaming to silence. Finally, she gagged and threw up a number of times and it finally propelled out. God is so good to us.

I have one thing in common with D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the late pastor of Westminster Chapel in London. I long to see reformation and revival. I want to see the power of God manifested in the lives of His people and in the conversion of the lost. Maybe the winds of reformation and revival will blow in this land again! We need to be a people wholly devoted to His Word. This means something more than an intellectual assent to the facts of orthodoxy but also to a vibrant, living holiness.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Dinner Time

My most excellent wife is preparing chicken pot pie for supper. It is down home and real good.

Margaret here is yet another post you haven't read. You should check before you make snide remarks about my lack of blogging!

SuSu (age 2) loves Pilgrim's Progress. She daily asks me, "Daddy will you read Christian?"

I am getting a little discouraged. My two a day workouts aren't yielding much tangible results yet. All I have to show for it is a sore left elbow and achy knees.

I want you to know that I will be laboring vigorously in the Word that I might preach Christ accurately. I covet your prayers. Would you consider praying for me on a daily or regular basis?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lord's Day Evening

I had a humbling preaching experience today. Though I prepared well and prayed over the message, my delivery was weak and the message lacked clarity. I am hoping for growth and unction in preaching. Who is sufficient for these things? It is good that God uses His Word for His Glory and is not "helped" by men.

We are planning to attend the ARBCA General Assembly which starts a week from Tuesday. It will be good to be with some like-minded brethren who have a high regard for Christ. Some dear friends from our days in Kansas City will be there. It will be great to rekindle our friendship with them.

I am hoping to have an extensive Bible reading week. I find my personal worship and teaching are greatly helped when I am consuming large quantities of the Word. This study has to be independent of my preparations for Bible studies, discipleship and sermons.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Praying the Scripture

Tonight at our prayer meeting we will be attempting to pray through selected Psalms. Our prayers often seem cold and ineffectual. If we pray the Scripture, we will have greater assurance our prayers will be effectual. The revealed will of God read and meditated upon will calibrate our prayers on the True North of Christ and His Word.

Like the regulative principle of worship, maybe we should also practice the regulative principle of prayer. God's Word, the only certain rule of faith and obedience, should regulate our cries to God. There are times of groaning and pleading that arise from are circumstances. We should allow the Truth to be the response to our circumstances. Too often, our circumstances govern our thinking instead of the Truth as revealed in His Word.

May the Lord be pleased to visit us in prayer as we affirm His Truth.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We are rejoicing in the amazing story of S.S.'s kidney transplant. God is so merciful and kind to His children!

I am reading Preaching Pure and Simple by Stuart Olyott again. He is such a godly man and offers rich insight into the importance of preaching. I need to daily grow as a herald of Christ. I have been going through a sweet time with the Lord the last few days; His grace seems sweeter, His Word seems more alive and His Spirit seems more active.

I have a bit of a preparation challenge for my sermon this week. The last 2 Acts 13 messages have been on the grand themes of the section. Now I have to go back and make sure none of the truth God inspired is left unexplored. It is a privilege and enormous responsibility to devote my life to the study, proclamation and application of the Scriptures.

I will be attending the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches in America General Assembly this month. I was able to attend the GA in Bremen, IN in 2002. These churches represent some very fine servants of Christ.

We are looking forward to our prayer meeting tomorrow night. I hope to see you there.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fellowship Missed

My family was supposed to go over to the coast for a visit with a pastor friend and his family today. We couldn't make it. My sweet wife was feeling poorly and we were all tired.

I enjoyed reading a number of Psalms in addition to my Acts 13 sermon preparation today.

Abigail, my 7 year old daughter, and I went to the bookstore for a date. We read the original Fancy Nancy book and If You Give A Cat A Cupcake. She also had a very fancy Grapefruit/Sparkling water beverage(it was pink) and a pink sugar cookie. It is good to devote individual attention to each of our 8 children. My wife and I are intentional about it and always feel extra blessed by the experience. The children always speak volumes and seem to bask in the spotlight. On another kid note, we have just learned something new about Jameson. He is a very capable and fanatical/obsessive organizer. He is a complete nut so we will have to watch and see how this goes.

I really savor Resurrection Sunday. We assemble on the Lord's Day and rejoice in the finished work of Christ every week because of His atoning work. Take time to reflect on the essentials of the Christian faith. Nothing is more vital to us than the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of our Lord. We were in desperate need of a Mediator. God supplied all that we need in Christ!

I have to confess my gluttony and poor stewardship today. My favorite fast food sandwich is the Blackened Chicken Sandwich at Backyard Burger. It has been quite some time since I have had the privilege of consuming one. We happened to be in the South OBT area after visiting Dana's uncle, who turned 85 today, at a nursing home. Then it hit me like a lightning bolt, "There is a Backyard Burger near here!" For the first time in my illustrious eating history, I ate 2 blackened chicken sandwiches in one sitting(driving). It was phenomenal. Jameson has requested some indoor football before going to bed...I really must go.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Does Jesus Need A Style Makeover?

My generation has eclipsed the previous in theological idiocy (that is an accomplishment). The church has embraced the culture's fickleness. After all, their logic goes, Jesus needs to change with the times. If Jesus will put on the clothes, the slang, the entertainment and the perversion of the culture then people will like Him. What is perplexing about this is their "coolness" today will be a joke tomorrow. In five years they will be mocking what they used to do and will be reinventing themselves for the 100th time. The KING OF GLORY is not in need of a style makeover!

O Lord we need your help. Give us the fervency to preach your Holy Name in accordance with your Holy Word. Forgive us for our cleverness. We are deceived if we think you need to be dressed in the latest fashions...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

If Only We Thought Of Sin This Way

My two older boys have acquired the virus that has rapidly permeated our congregation. No person enjoys having a stomach bug. We run as far away from it as possible, taking extra precautions and praying that we would be spared from its wrath. If only we treated sin in our lives the way we treat stomach viruses! Gastroenteritis is a consequence of the Fall. We get stomach bugs because of sin. Oh that we would recoil from violating God's precepts the way we do from the most vile bodily manifestations of illness. Sin tastes sweet on our lips but it is bitter in our stomachs...Lord help us to hate the sin in our lives and cherish your salvation-Sola Gratia.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fellowship in the Gospel

I enjoyed having breakfast and meeting with a Christian brother this morning. It is good to have fellowship in the Lord.

We are bidding farewell to a special family at a party tomorrow. The 'Q' family has been attending Covenant since our first meeting in June of 2005. With the upcoming departure of
the 'B' family we will only have the 'D' family and my family from the original meeting/charter member group. We are thankful for their contribution to our fellowship and will dearly miss them. We must always be reaching out to those who would benefit from coming to our church. I can't wait to meet my new friends in the Lord!

I am studying in Acts 13 in anticipation of Sunday. I am also working on some minor revisions in the church Covenant.

I am "good" tired from this week's labors. It is an awesome(16-19th century usage) privilege to work in the Lord's Harvest.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We will be studying Exodus 3 in Sr. Bible study tomorrow. Here, God helped Moses and us understand that He is the only true God: self-existent, eternal, unchangeable, incomprehensible, faithful and willing/able to save...He is faithful to the Covenant he made with Abraham which is realized in Christ.

My grandmother left early this morning. It was great to have her visit.

I am excited about what the Lord is doing in my life. I hope this leads to growth in godliness and increasing Christ-likeness.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The 100 Men Project Update

My good friend Jamie Lyons wants to be part of the 100 Men Project. This means he is #1, the first to sign up for the adventure. I am going to push Jamie and myself to be more radical disciples of Christ. Please pray for Jamie as he gets into the battle. I will let you know how he progresses. He will be studying lots of Bible, praying, fasting, witnessing and serving. I will be waiting for the Lord to send man #2 soon.

It is so incredible to have my grandmother staying with us. Unfortunately, she will be leaving early on Wednesday and my schedule has prevented me with spending lots of time with her. Tomorrow I have an elders meeting, then I go to meet with some like-minded pastors for lunch and fellowship. She will be teaching a sewing class for some of the ladies and girls.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Elisabeth Caroline will be 1 tomorrow

I am really enjoying classical music today. Bach and Mozart are my favorites. I wonder how many from 'Generation X' would say classical is their favorite? As my mama used to say, 'You are full of surprises."

I have been studying Acts 13 today in anticipation of Sunday. Saul and Barnabas are commissioned by the church of Antioch by the power of the Holy Spirit in order to work in the harvest. Good stuff...

My baby Elisabeth Caroline will celebrate her first birthday tomorrow. God has blessed us beyond measure. My grandmother, Norma Jean(79 in May) will be staying with us for a few days. She is so much fun to be around. She grew up on a farm during the Depression, married a Marine, had 3 kids, a bunch of grand kids and now has 10 great grandchildren. She has also seen the dark and painful of this life. She has buried her husband and 2 youngest children. Through it all she really has joy in her heart.

Tomorrow some of our men will attend our Bible study/breakfast fellowship. We will be studying Ephesians.

Do not let anything prevent you from going to corporate worship on Sunday. It is a glimpse of heaven.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Quest

I want to be more holy. God is Holy and He wants us to be holy. We aren't naturally inclined to pursue holiness. We must trust Him and hope that He will do a work in us. The complicating factor in all of this is I am 100% responsible to excel at something I cannot accomplish alone. We must rely on Him. Only He can do it!

The family seems to be fully recovered from our bouts of illness. Sickness causes us to appreciate our normal good health.

Noah is recovering well from his surgery. His parents looked grateful at the hospital this morning. God is so good to us.

Tomorrow in Sr. Bible study we will be looking at Exodus 3. What an amazing chapter of Scripture. I will be reading Pilgrim's Progress to the younger 4 tonight. Caleb can't wait for family worship. We will look at Proverbs and James, Lord willing.

My oldest son has been away since yesterday afternoon. We miss Jacob and can't wait to see him tonight.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Laughing at myself

I was thinking about how much effort I have been putting into my fitness over the last 3-4 weeks and was lamenting my lack of results. My laptop was a bit too close to me at Panera, so when I pushed it away from me I got a little message that someone scrawled onto the table. It said "Fatboy" with a little smiley face in the 'o'. Needless to say the timing and sequence of events made it extra funny.

I am working on Sunday's sermon. I want to be 95% done before I go to bed tonight. I will study tomorrow no matter what.

The blessed hope of our relationship with Christ should transform our perspective. Take a few minutes to reflect upon His redeeming grace.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I have seasons of immense thanksgiving. It isn't usually tied to my circumstances. When things are going well I don't necessarily excel at giving thanks. Tonight, I am thankful for my wife, my children and my church. It is beautiful. I hope this spirit of thankfulness remains.

I am really captivated by the 12th chapter of Acts. I hope the Lord will provide great unction in my preaching this week.

I am going to be reading the abridged version of "Pilgrim's Progress" (Dangerous Journey) to my kids tonight. Elijah (age 3) said, "We like stories!" Thank you Lord for giving good gifts to us. May we always be THANKFUL.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday to Sunday

The week has moved very quickly. Thursday is crunch time for me. The sermon needs to be prayed over, "outlined" and all grammatical & theological issues must be dealt with. I am not there yet.

I am extra blessed to have a wife who really wants me to be wholly devoted to preaching the gospel. The city has such need of Christ. As I sit at Panera this afternoon, I see the power and bondage of sin weighing heavy on people. They are desperately dead and don't even know it. May the Lord open their eyes and breathe life into them.

Oh, that we would have spiritual eyes to see all of the activity that swirls around us and that we would act by proclaiming Grace in Christ.

I am looking forward to seeing my grandmother who will be visiting in about 2 weeks.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Acts and Exodus

I have had a great day of study and am really looking forward to being at home with the family tonight. The 3 oldest children are going to be sharing what the Lord is teaching them in their private devotions during family worship. I love to hear what the Lord is doing in the lives of other believers.

I really enjoyed my time of fellowship with a like-minded pastor yesterday. I have vowed to pray for him and his ministry.

I am hoping to start a regular Sunday evening meeting for outreach/evangelism in my local area in Windermere. If it comes to mind please pray for that effort.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Contemplative Monday

Monday is supposed to be my day off. It is the day I try to think about my personal devotion to Christ independent of my pastoral responsibilities. I try not to study sermon or Bible study topics and concentrate on my own development as a Christian man. It is after lunch and I haven't accomplished that yet. The responsibilities of life have gotten in the way. I am going to be reading chapters from books on preaching...Wait, I may need to scrap that plan and just read more Bible. I don't feel my knowledge of the Prophets is as good as it should be. The great thing is, today my knowledge CAN improve in any of the spiritual disciplines if I devote time and energy to them.

I had a great talk with my beautiful wife last night. We both want to be more holy and are seeking to hold each other accountable in our pursuit of greater Christ-likeness. It was the kind of discussion non Christian couples will never have. Sadly, many Christian couples won't likely be doing it either. It is great to have a wife that preeminently wants to be faithful to Christ. I learn a great deal from her. I hope your Monday is blessed. Let your light so shine before men...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cold and rainy

It is nice to have a weather change occassionally but, I want my Florida back.

I will be deep in sermon prep today becuase Sunday is coming. My greatest and most cherished responsibility is to Preach the Word! Please pray that I will be faithful to proclaim His Truth.

We are watching 3 kids for friends. 11 kids in a house is quite the spectacle. Their behavior has been excellent.

I have been much more consistent in my exercise. I have been consistently lifting and running 4-6 days per week. The days of instant results are gone. It has takem me a good while to add my weight so surely it will take some time to come off. I need to be a good steward of my body so my preaching will not be hindered. The last thing this world needs is a glutton preacher.

I so love the Lord's Day. Since I became a Christian, it has been my favorite day. We are looking for sinners redeemed by grace @ Covenant. We also hope the Lord will entrust some of his new "babes" in Christ to us.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Regulative Principle

Worship isn't for lost people. Worship isn't to make us feel better. Worship occurs for an audience of One. The congregation isn't the audience, the congregation is the worth-"ascribers" who seek to think much of and glorify God. It is so easy to get sidetracked on this issue.

I read a position paper today on the regulative principle of worship. It was "preaching to the choir" but was helpful for me today. In short, this concept asserts that God has created and ordained worship. Therefore, real worship happens only when we do IT in the manner he has prescribed in His Word. The elements of true gospel worship are: reading the Scripture, preaching the Scripture, administering the sacraments of baptism and communion, singing worship psalms, hymns and spiritual songs and lawful prayers. That is all that God prescribes in His Word.

Worship Him in the beauty of holiness.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


We began our Bible study in Exodus this morning. There are many amazing redemptive threads that take shape in this book. It all points to Christ!

I will be laboring in sermon prep today. I also hope to finish a preaching book I have been reading.

The Gospel of Christ can inspire you today. Meditate on what He has done for you. Eternity with Him awaits.

The men of the church will be meeting Saturday morning to talk about the future. I look forward to times like these when we can dream together about ways God can use us for His Glory.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Great Fellowship With Friends

We had the pleasure of having our friends the Penningtons visit overnight. They are such fine people. Shane and I planted a church together in the Kansas City area. They also served as missionaries in a Muslim nation in Asia. Maybe the Lord will allow us to work together again.

A couple of our kids are getting sick, AGAIN.

Tomorrow, I will be starting a new Bible book study for Thursday mornings. I have 2 and can't decide which one to study next. This could make for a long night.

Please pray that the Lord will expand our influence.

Monday, February 1, 2010

7 Day Church

I am not speaking of Seventh-Day Advent ism. My thoughts here are related to the Church living like the Bride of Christ everyday. I am not suggesting other formal meetings of the congregation, or participating in programs. What I am thinking about is bringing the hope of Christ with us in our coming and going. I would want a wide dispersion of groups of saints who could engage the lost or the under-discipled. What looks like a negative for us is actually a positive. We are mostly scattered across 4 (a new family is coming Volusia as well)counties which makes fellowship during the week harder. However, we are able to bring Christ's Gospel hope to Orange, Seminole, Lake and Brevard counties.

What can you do, without adding new stress to your life, to share Christ with those around you?
Is there something that you are naturally passionate about? Could you take your love of "gardening" and sanctify it with Christ's love and mission?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday afternoon

We talked about the church and her vocation this morning in Bible Study. It was more of a practical theological discussion which I found to be thought provoking.

I am going to continue preaching in Acts 10 this Sunday, Lor willing. It would be a good week to invite a friend or family member. I will use Peter's words to Cornelius and his household (and troops under his command) to explain the essence of the Gospel. I hope it will have a significant theological range. Communicating to a child, a lost person on the one hand and ranging to the mature believer and scholar on the other. That is no small task.

I am hopeful about the future, humbly expecting God to use us for His Glory.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 27

Today was a full day of ministry. I am looking forward to Thursday morning Bible study tomorrow.

I am reading out of my normal genres: Simple Church by Rainer & Geiger and Vintage Church by Mark Driscoll. I am reading with heightened discernment.

Take some time to probe a little deeper with your Christian friends. Many of them are in need of encouragement and biblical admonition.

I am contemplating a one week detour from my Acts sermon series...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 25

We had an early morning breakfast with my wife's brother, his wife and son. It was good to spend time with them. The enjoyment of family is sweetened when Christ reigns. I have been blessed with great in-laws.

I have read more about the never ending issue: NT Wright's New View Of Paul/Justification. The volumes on the subject is rapidly expanding. It is impossible to keep up with every nuance.
Here is my opinion: The reformers didn't get justification wrong!

I have ambitious study and writing plans this week. Please pray for me.

My wife is having her ladie's Bible study on Titus tomorrow.

The journey of discipleship is a long process. It is important to be steady on days you feel less spiritual and go "full throttle" when you are strong. Neither neutrality or reversal is an option.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, January 22

I love Florida. The weather is perfect today with highs in the mid-70's. The sun is shining and cool breezes blow gently. I feel so blessed to be where I am. My wife are unified in our desire to scatter more seed and reach out to more people. We feel responsible to make Christ known in Windermere/Dr. Phillips and our other spheres of contact.

The narrative of Peter and Cornelius is a deep well of God's Grace. His redemptive purposes in Christ again BURST forth in glorious light. I look forward to preaching in acts 10 on Sunday, Lord willing.

The folks at Covenant continue to struggle with illness. Lord, please restore all of your sheep to full strength and health.

Reading my preaching book again today. I see many areas in which I need to improve. It is good to know where you are lacking.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday Evening January 21st

Today was fairly busy. We had Thursday morning Bible study and concluded our study in Jude. I was able to pick up our partially repaired Excursion. It needs a sizeable amount of work.

We had our Reformation Society meeting tonight at First Baptist Church Markham Woods. Dr. Derek Thomas spoke on Ruth (Suffering and the Sovereignty of God) and we had a nice time of fellowship. The men of the Reformation Society are committed to being faithful ministers of the Gospel. That is encouraging. One of the pastors is becoming a good friend. It is nice to have this kind of fellowship with a person who walks in similiar shoes.

The kind and wise Dr. Parker again blessed with sincere pastoral love. I love you Dr. Parker. I hope the Lord allows me to be more like you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19th

I enjoyed meeting with my brothers at our elders meeting this morning. What an amazing privilege it is to serve Christ and His Bride. Today, my wife led her Bible study for ladies. The Lord seems to be really prospering her work in Titus.

Reading a great book on preaching, My Heart For Thy Cause by Brian Borgman. Thanks for the book Ed!

I am also hoping to have a productive study time in Acts 10.

The Lord's tender mercies are new each day. Hallelujah! Amen!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday January 15

Pray for Haiti!

We have had a pretty full week of ministry with many people coming to our home and lots of phone activity. The Lord is really working in the lives of His people.

My sermon prep is in Acts 10, Peter's Testimony to Cornelius. I am behind schedule. If it comes to mind please pray for me.

My car is broken down and it is about to reach the point of professional help. The budget can't take it, so please pray that the Lord would grant wisdom for a remedy.

I am also diligently praying about how to work with other like-minded brethren.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday January 11th

Day 2 of car trouble. My 7.3 L turbo diesel motor is not liking the cold. I look forward to the return of Florida winter-sunny and 70 degrees. Looks like we will be back on track Friday.

My daughter just recited a few catechism questions and answers. The future is bright for these children if they stay the course of faith.

I have a couple of prayer requests. I have a desire to preach more and am thinking about opportunities to do so. We want to make Windermere our permanent home. We are seeking the Lord's direction on buying a house here in the next year or two.

I so desperately want our church to grow. We are seeking to be faithful. Aren't there other Christians looking for a biblical church? Aren't there lost ones whom the Lord is drawing and entrusting to our discipleship care?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday January 7

My Wednesday post vanished into thin air. Don't worry you didn't miss anything.

We had our Thursday morning Bible study on Jude. I am studying in Acts 9 today as we consider Peter's healing ministry for the Glory of Christ. Don't worry, I haven't gone charismatic! I hope to spend some discipleship time with my son Caleb just before supper tonight.

The energy drain from my illness last weekend continues. I am thinking about taking a big run tonight. My wife is against it.

We are hoping to do a better job of getting the word out about our church. We want to be faithful and fruitful.

I hope your day is filled with Thanksgiving and praise.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday January 4th

I am trying to recover from illness; started feeling a bit better this morning after sleeping until 9:30. It is one of those unexplainable and energy draining colds. I took a 4 hour nap yesterday and I still feel so sleepy. I announced to my family that I would be much more compassionate the next time they are sick (I was the last and hardest to fall). Usually, I tell everybody to snap out of it and toughen up...

Starting a new discipleship program with a friend on Wednesday. Please pray that we will grow closer to, and more like, Christ.

I am reading a book on preaching, a Christmas gift from a friend. I am also hoping to set some personal and church goals for the coming year.

We are blessed to have a new meeting house for our congregation. We need about 100 more people to join us and fill the room with Worship. Are you coming?