Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This morning we had a 5 hour long elders meeting. The saints of Covenant are loved.

This week I will be working in the second half of Exodus 22 for Sunday morning and the first of two concluding messages on the 10 commandments. I am also praying about my next Sunday evening series. I am thinking of doing something like the Beatitudes or Fruits of the Spirit.

The thunderstorms and severe weather were quite entertaining. We did not suffer any damage though at one point they said a tornado was near our town (it never touched down). All of the kids went into disaster preparedness mode and it was quite a spectacle. Weaponry and barbies don't seem critical to many disaster planners but figured prominently in their contingency plans.

The 2 kids taking piano are very excited about their recital on Saturday. I hope they enjoy the learning experience of meeting a deadline and executing their practiced arrangements.

I really feel as though I am the most blessed man on the earth. It is good to delight in our LORD.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am very interested to learn more about Isaiah. Some of my devotional reading will be in the book and I am eager to again plumb the depths.

My wife is the best, she is such a merchant of love and grace.

Jameson and I are going to Subway to spend more of his gift card. The kid should get an endorsement deal from them.

I am looking forward to the Sunday morning sermon in Acts and the Sunday evening message on the tenth commandment. I am still praying about some writing projects. I am thinking about free, e and self-publishing. The goal being to get the work in the hands of the people for encouragement free of charge.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


We are looking forward to prayer meeting tonight. We are starting a new series. Please join us.

I am reading the Hoeksma sermons on Isaiah, Redeemed in Judgment. If you want to understand prophecy about Christ, learn from Isaiah. It is quoted frequently in the NT, second only to the Psalms. The Psalm quotations are also very much related to Isaiah in many instances.

I will continue my study in Exodus tomorrow for the "senior's" Bible study. Please join us if you are able.

I am looking forward to seeing my grandmother on Friday evening. She is approaching 80 and yet is so full of life and energy.