Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31

As a family we are hoping to read regularly from Spurgeon's 'Morning and Evening' in the coming year. Savannah is seeking a Bible reading plan for the new year and I am thinking of following it with her.

I plan to continue my sermon series in Acts this Sunday with more from chapter 9.

The vanity and superstitions of this time of year are mind-boggling. The pagans revere everything but Christ.

We studied Jude in our Thursday morning Bible study today. Jude thinks sound doctrine should be upheld and false teachers exposed. Shouldn't we do the same?

My prediction for 2010: the mainstream evangelical movement will continue to imbibe in pseudo-pagan teachings by attempting to further reconcile New Age "spirituality" and their unholy, libertine lives with the Gospel. And the reformed church will become more committed to the Truth as the widening gulf becomes more evident.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Late Evening, December 29

Just returned home from my parents house after honoring the 64th anniversary of my dad's birth. It is great to age. Do you ever wonder where you will be in 10, 20, 30 years? Tonight, I drew a comparison between my place in life and Dad's journey. This is my 1983 (dad turned 38 in 1983). He owned a home and a large number of cars. I rent a home and have 2 cars (only one is operable). He had a 12 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. I have a 14 year old daughter, a 13 year old son, a 9 year old son, a 7 year old daughter, a 5 year old son, a 3 year old son, a 2 year old daughter and a 10 month old daughter. He had a really cool, obedient dog. I have Rebel. His life has changed a lot since then. I look forward to that day when the swarm of grandchildren will come and visit. I don't want to be 20 again, life was too hard from there to here. I couldn't again survive the near loss of my wife to an ectopic rupture in our first pregnancy, the miscarriages, the tough pregnancies and births, sick babies and the multiple pneumonias of Caleb...
Lord grant me true wisdom in Christ. Oh! That I might learn the lessons that you have taught me and the life lessons I see in others. May my next 38 years, Lord willing, far exceed the first 38.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday, December 28

This is the week that doesn't seem to matter. Large numbers of people are off from work and there seems to be less productivity in the world. My dad will be celebrating a birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday Grandaddy! I am reading articles on preaching and a book on preaching today. I desperately need to grow in many areas. My personal devotional life is so critical to ministry.

I enjoyed meeting in the new church rental facility yesterday. There is something right about meeting in a structure intended for worship.

I hope your week is a testimony to your faith in Christ.

We will have our normal Thursday morning Bible study at 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday December 26

We will be "trying out" our potential new church location tomorrow. Please check the website for details.

There has been an adrenaline drop today. You can see the energy drain in people as you pass by.

Enjoying sermon prep in Acts 9. Saul, the great persecutor, is God's chosen vessel in proclaiming the GOSPEL of Christ. He is Grace and Word is sufficient.

I received two great books from friends at church on Thursday evening. I look forward to reading them soon.

Enjoy this opportunity to spend time with friends and family. The gifts will be soon forgotten. Your relationships in Christ have lasting value.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday December 21

I am starting preparations for my message Thursday night.

As a devoted Floridian I don't mind this little cool snap we are having. We have a fire in the fireplace this evening and my wife is preparing dinner which creates a buffet of fragrant scents.

SuSu (Susannah), my 2 year old daughter has been pretty sick for a couple of days. Please pray for her.

Today, is the shortest day of the year (I think). One of my colleagues, a pastor in the south of London, UK said that the sun rose around 8 a.m. yesterday and set at 3:50 p.m. Now that is a short day.
The Lord has a special place in His love for the British Isles. Look at a globe and notice how far north they are. Yet, the gulfstream strangely traverses nearby keeping their climate temperate. It is green all year and rarely stays below freezing for any length of time. It is snowing today, however.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday December 18

We had a long and productive elder's meeting today. The work of the church is never done.

I had an eye appointment today. Contact lenses are a great blessing.

I am working on sermon prep in Acts 9.

There are some positive developments in our church meeting location search...

How can you advance the Kingdom of Christ today?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, Goodbye Lyons family

I hope y'all had a good visit. I am thankful for your friendship and fellowship in Christ. Thanks for the awesome meal at Fish Bones. Jamie and I both put this restaurant near the top of our list of favorites.

Congratulations John on your promotion to homocide detective.

Tomorrow morning at 6 I will be meeting with some of my accountability/Bible study brothers.

CHURCH building...we need one.

Studying Saul's conversion to Christ in Acts 9 and Jude. I will also be diving into a redemptive-historical study of the "Parousia" (Second Coming).

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday December 14

It was a bittersweet evening last night as we celebrated the Boehlkes in anticipation of their move. The Lord has given them the desire of their hearts. Farewell dear friends...

The lack of sleep has caught me. I need to get a good rest tonight.

Please continue to pray about our future church location.

My brother-in-grace John is getting a promotion to homicide detective with FHP, congratulations...We look forward to the ceremony tomorrow.

We will be starting the book of Jude during Thursday morning bible study this week.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday 11 December

The weather feels great. Sometimes you need a cool, grey day. It's like summer in the UK.

Our friends, the Lyons family, will be hear starting late tonight. They are on a blessed journey in Grace.

One of our charter member families is leaving us. Please show your love and appreciation for the Boehlkes now and over the weekend. Don't forget about their going away fellowship Sunday night.

I am diligently searching for a church meeting location. This decision will chart a course for our future growth. Please pray that the elders will have wisdom in selecting a new location.

This weekend our brethren at Reformation Baptist Church will be celebrating 10 years in Lake county. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Bailey and family for Christ-honoring endurance!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday December 10th

I enjoyed my men's Bible study on prayer and the Sr. Bible study on 3 John this morning.

Sermon preparation will be central to my thinking today. One element that I hope to expound on is the idea of being "filled with joy." The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 is joyful upon hearing the Gospel and eager to be obedient in baptism. Herein lies a teachable moment for us. We should celebrate salvation in both our regeneration and that of others. Additionally, it teaches us that holy joy spawns obedience.

We need a greater vision of how God can use us for His Glory.

The subject of adultery is prominent in the news and people are talking about it in the marketplace. There is a great opportunity for us to proclaim the blessings of faithful Christian marriage.

May the God of all comfort guard your hearts in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday 9 December

Happy birthday Mama!

We have had quite a busy day. The family will be over soon in order to celebrate. My wife is making Lasagna. You have no idea how much I love Italian food. Last night, I enjoyed spectacular spaghetti and meatballs prepared by friends. Red sauce two nights in a row... Keep it coming.

I will be enjoying a quiet late-night study session tonight. We will be studying 3 John tomorrow for Thursday Senior Bible study and I will preach the second half of Philip and the Etiopian Eunuch, Lord willing.

I hope you have a great evening. "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation Oh my soul praise Him for He is thy Light and Salvation..."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 8

I really enjoyed seeing our good friends Dan and Matthew Carmichael. The Carmichaels now live in Indiana. The distance is no hinderance to our fellowship. Those in Christ have an unbreakable bond.

I am looking forward to having dinner with some new friends tonight. They are brave to have all 10 of us over for a meal!

Tomorrow is my mom's 59th birthday. We plan to have them over for dinner tomorrow night.

Our good friends, the Lyons family, will again be staying with us over the weekend. This time they will be able to come to church on Sunday!

We are still prayerful about securing a permanent church facility.

I am studying in Acts and related texts.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday December 4

I sometimes enjoy cool rainy days. My enjoyment of the rain will be put to the test in my run this evening. Particularly, as I slosh around the muddy streets, and motorists wonder, "Why is that fat guy running in the rain?"

Today, I will be fully engaged with Acts 8, Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. I have a lot of room for growth as an expositor and preacher. Maybe today I can become 1% more faithful than yesterday. I have been very energized by my friend Jamie's zeal for biblical truth. It is like going to Disney World with a five year old for the first time. You begin to see it with fresh wonder. God is so good to us.

Please pray that I have what I call a "concentration burst" today. I have times where I lock in to the text for a few hours without any possibility of being distracted. It is like being "in the zone." Unfortunately, you cannot replicate the conditions. It just happens.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday December 3rd

I really enjoyed our Reformation Society meeting today. I did not execute my exegesis very well. I was very blessed by the discussion of the text by the group. I also really appreciated my bro-in-law Dr. Bailey's exegesis.

To all of you who hate my hometown of Orlando...I just don't understand. This weather is awesome! To each his own...

Need to study Acts 8, Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. If you can't preach that text you just can't preach.

Praying about our church building situation. The Lord has done some encouraging things in recent days.

The people of First Baptist Markham Woods are so kind and hospitable, thanks for hosting our meeting today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday December 2

We switched Thursday's Bible study to this morning due to a scheduling conflict. The Reformation Society of Central Florida will have its first regular meeting tomorrow. Please pray for these pastors who desire to be faithful to Christ and His Word.

The theme of the day today is "patience." Several situations we are dealing with will require an extra measure of endurance.

My beautiful wife and children are such a blessing. I feel so grateful for the Lord's grace in my life.

I am studying 2 Peter 1 for the Reformation Society meeting. I am also praying about another teaching opportunity.

We are God's people, the sheep of His pasture...What a comforting thought!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday December 1

I have to confess, I really enjoy Christmas but I don't want to enjoy it yet. I get grief from friends and family on my short season ideology. I am still recovering from Thanksgiving. We are a consumerist culture and have been manipulated into thinking we have to imbibe in this insanity for 30 days.

I had a good run this morning. Two-a-days begin tomorrow early. Lift in the morning and interval training in the evening (jog sprint, jog sprint...)

I am drinking coffee at Panera in Dr Phillips and meditating on 2 Peter 1.

The 3 bigs (older children) are visiting their cousins overnight and I miss them.

We are still praying for a church home. We want to have permanent stamp and presence in the community.

I am still taking requests for blog content. If you are looking for an imperfect church with godly motivations and affections we might be the place for you. Contact me if you need more info or go to our website: