Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Big Study Day, Becoming a More Spiritual Man

I hope to make some progress today on my sermon. Stephen's Apologia in Acts 7 is phenomenal. The best thing for any preacher to do is get out of the way and let the Bible do the preaching.

Jeremiah (I am really enjoying this)
Genesis-Exodus (I am trying to get a handle on the transition between the 2)
Family worship tonight, Proverbs DV

Preaching Pure and Simple, Stuart Olyott

The elders have a big vision. Do the people of Covenant?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday September 29

Today is a great day. All days have difficulty and all have blessings. We tend to only focus on what is wrong. There are many blessings that get overlooked because we only have eyes to see the problems we face. We should be more effusive in our praise and thanksgiving. Our tendency to whine and complain saps our joy and makes those around us less likely to enjoy our company. Don't abandon realism but show everyone your joyful status as a child of the King.

Genesis, Jeremiah

Preaching and Preachers, by M.Lloyd-Jones
No Easy Road, Eastman (for downtown men's group on Thursday a.m.)

Working on a baptism candidate questionnaire.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday afternoon

I went on a nice long run this morning and could tell there was a little less heat and humidity.

Reading in Acts and Jeremiah.

Praying for the Windermere church property.

Returned the Quinlans trailer. Thanks for letting us use it.

If there are any topics you would like me to cover on the blog send an email and I will try to work it in.

Friday, September 25, 2009

100 Godly Men

I have been thinking about the kind of impact 100 godly men could have on the community. Imagine the strengthening of marriages and families, the willingness to be bold in the marketplace and living in the glow of Christ's glory. Would a large metropolitan area like Orlando, with its 2,000,000 plus residents be shaken if 100 men lived unreservedly for Christ?

Sunday is coming. Therefore, sermon prep is a priority today. Also, we are having a homegroup meeting at our house in Windermere tonight. Let me know if you would like to come.

I am praying diligently for the new meeting house location. We will undoubtedly hear about this soon.

It is the greatest privilege and honor to be a herald for Christ's Gospel. Thanks for your friendship and fellowship in Him.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Theology on Thursday, A Lesson

Theology proper is the study of God and His attributes.
Systematic or Dogmatic Theology is an attempt organize an orderly, coherent and rational accounting of Christian beliefs.
Biblical Theology is tied directly to the biblical revelation in context and the progressive revelation of God's acts of redemption.
Historical Theology seeks to examine the way the church has viewed the doctrine of God through the ages.
Practical or Applied Theology is seeking to work out theology in a particular field: evangelism, missions, pastoral theology, spiritual formation et al. (Example; God is Sovereign. Therefore, my evangelistic methodology should accurately reflect His Sovereign character).
Of course, all of these must be constrained by biblical orthodoxy.

I hope this helps as you strive to order your own theological study. Sometimes we need to evaluate the questions we are asking about a text or subject. It may be most helpful to collate all of the passages that deal with the character of God (systematic/dogmatic approach). While other times we must let the text we are reading speak to us as it did to the original audience without importing all that we know from subsequent biblical revelation. This biblical-theological approach allows the "story" to unfold in a progressive and more natural manner. These individual theological disciplines should not be seen as mutually exclusive or in opposition to one another.

Enjoyed Sr. Bible study this morning. Looking forward to learning more about the Glory of Christ as I study and pray today.

Having a homegroup fellowship tomorrow @ 6:30 in the evening. Please contact me if you would like to attend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Woven Together

The story of redemption is woven together masterfully. The human authors, the themes, the genres, the books, the verses, the phrases, and the words of Scripture reflect Divine wisdom and cohesion. God has revealed Himself in the Word not to further mystify us but to bring illumination and clarity. Get in His Book today in order to see more of His bright glory.

Had the owner of our home stop in for a visit. It went well. Looking forward to homegroup which will be at our house on Friday evening at 6:30. Guests are welcome, let me know if you would like to come. Please email me @

Thinking about adding Twitter but wonder what the appeal of knowing what I had for breakfast could possibly be?
Telling The Truth, Carson ed.

Family Worship tonight-Proverbs DV
Also need to study 1 John for Thursday morning Bible study.

Men's group for tomorrow morning is cancelled. That means I get to sleep until 6:30 (Wow, I can't wait, now if Miss Elisabeth will be gracious).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

In today's self-centric world sin is minimized and described as being a weakness (or not an area of strength) and therefore on that basis the individual is exonerated from consequences related to the sin. God did create us with talents and strengths to be used for His glory. He also gave us an expansive array of opportunities to grow in grace in those areas that are weak. Never does He give us a pass on obedience. Never does He indicate that His holy standards can be compromised. So to all of us living in the delusion that our weaknesses don't count as sin, turn to the One who will expose your sin and lead you to repentance.

I feel as though my sin and my inability far outweigh the duties of my calling. My vision exceeds my talent. Maybe in this place of self disappointment, God can use someone like me as His servant. You can be used for His glory today. Acknowledge your frailty, in this Christ is shown to be strong.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The 100 Man Project

I believe the Lord has given me an exciting vision for the Kingdom today. It is in its germ phase but I wanted to get the word out as soon as possible. I am looking for 100 men to commit to live radically for Christ in the Orlando area. This call to arms is not for the faint hearted. I am looking for true warriors for Christ. You must be a finisher to participate. These 100 men will transform the city by living radically faithful lives for Christ. They will come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many will become part of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, others will reform their current congregations. Follow the blog closely, more details to come...

An Invitation

What is your church like? Do they preach the Word? Do they have meaningful church membership and discipline? Do they believe that God is big and man is small?

If you answered no to one or more of these questions we would ask that you consider
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. We aren't perfect but we value the important tenets of the faith. Check out our website:

I would like to personally invite you to join us in the pilgrimage of Faith.

I'm going to Panera(Dr Phillips) @ about 2pm for a cup of coffee, to study and to minister to those in need. Drop in if you are able and introduce yourself.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My baby girl is 14 today

It doesn't seem possible. Savannah was born 14 years ago today. We are most blessed to have her as our daughter. This morning we spent some time together and I was amazed at her spiritual maturity. She has comprehensive Bible knowledge and wisdom beyond her years. We know it isn't because we have raised her right. It is because of His Grace. In matters from salvation to child rearing, put no confidence in your methods, depend on His Grace.

Studying Acts 7 in anticipation of preaching this Sunday morning.

Did some research on biblical chronolgy which was very thought provoking.

Though I am severely limiting my sugar consumption I will fully imbibe in Dana's chocolate (with fudge icing) birthday cake tonight.
See you @ the blog Monday, Lord willing.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday is transition day

I always awake early on Thursday mornings and wonder how it can be Thursday again. It is the day of the week I like to have some clarity on the essence of my sermon on Sunday. On this Thursday, I am behind schedule. Acts 7 provides an amazing opportunity to teach the redemption story throught the lens of one of the Church's greatest apologists, Stephen. I will probably preach at least 4, as many as 10 sermons in Acts 7, Lord willing.

I enjoyed my men's Bible study downtown this morning, followed by Sr. Bible study at Perkins in Ocoee. Now I'm onto my personal, Pastor/Preacher Bible study, to be followed by teaching my husband/father Bible study to my family. What an awesome privilege and responsibility. If it comes to mind please pray that I will be a faithful herald of Christ's Gospel. I am extremely burdened that we be faithful to reach the community with the Hope of Christ. Maybe you could invite someone to be your guest at church this Sunday. I want my life to be characterized by an unfaltering drive to make the Glory of Christ known. Please continue to pray that the Lord will give us favor in providing a permanent meeting house.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

There Isn't a Debate

In this age of "non-truth" Christianity and the biblical call for repentance and faith in Christ is described even by Christians as a "debate" between competing worldviews. I say "poppycock" (check the Dutch etymology on that one). Christ is the Truth! Repent and believe! Don't look for philosophical wiggle room. Lay aside your idols, adulterers and adultresses. Come Worship Him who lives and reigns forevermore!

We need active duty warriors for Christ. Will you enlist? Don't come with your charade of false humility. Come with bold confidence in Christ alone, Solus Christus. Proclaim the Truth of His Word, Sola Scriptura. For the Glory of God Alone, Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Interesting day so far, we had an elder's meeting this morning and the car I was driving (mom-in-law's) broke down.

Working on a church policy statement


Jeremiah and Acts
"Light and Heat-The Puritan View Of The Puplit" Bickel

Hoping to make new friends in the neighborhood. Praying for Windermere church facility favor and faithful worship, fellowship and witness for Covenant.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Life and Worldview, New Reformation

Thought provoking discussion yesterday at church on Christ and culture. We must defend the truth of Christ against the malaise of weak-kneed syncretists. Instead of apologizing for Christ's Truth we should call the Church to repent of her willingness to be worldly. May we stand firm against the tidal erosion of Christ's Gospel and usher in a new Reformation. The new Reformation must emphasize personal holiness and a resolve to think and live biblically.


Drinking lots of coffee
Hoping to take a big run before dinner tonight

Prayer Request:
Windermere church building, fasting and praying for favor this week

Friday, September 11, 2009

Moving Week

Thanks to all who have helped us move.

Reading: Jeremiah

Studying: Acts 6, The false witness against Stephen

My 6 year old Abigail has requested a $.99 ice cream cone from Allens with her daddy later this afternoon. I told her, "Only if you don't invite other kids to come along." You should have seen that smile. A short walk to Main St. and a blessed time with my Sswweeeeet Abi' gail (I sing this, to the tune of Neil Diamond's "Caroline" to her at least once a day).

We love our new home! I have never felt so comfortable in a new house. Now if I can just find my brown socks...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday is a workday

Though everyone knows that preachers only work on Sundays, a different reality exists for me. No matter my level of preparation I always study on Saturdays and by about 4pm I am not the best company for family outings etc because "Sunday is coming." I say this not to complain but to let you know how much our corporate gathering means to me. I am preparing to bring a message from God's Word. Will you take a little time preparing your hearts on Saturday evening? Will you get all of the clothes, shoes, belts and bows ready so you come ready to feast on His Word? Take advantage of the opportunity to devote yourself in a unique way to the things of God tomorrow. You won't be sorry you did.

My wife and 7 of our kids are at our new house in Windermere cleaning and playing. My eldest son Jacob is sitting with his grandmother who is recovering from surgery.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Studying in My New Neighborhood

Today, I am working from my new location. I will be spending alot of time getting to know the folks of the southwest parts of Orlando. Please pray that our family will be Salt and Light. Please pray that our church can have an impact for Christ. Please consider joining us as we try to be a faithful local expression of Christ's church.

Tip of the cap to Mark. I just had my first Panera Bearclaw. Very nice almond cinnamon combo.

Hopefully, my mother-in-law will be able to come home from the hospital today. I need traffic to my blog so please consider signing up and "following" me.

Preaching on Acts 6:1-6 on Sunday, Lord willing. Title: "The First Deacons: Conflict Yields Clarity"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Unexpected and The Will of God

One of the burdens of life is the unexpected. You can make plans. They can go awry.

We are praying fervently about our church meeting location. Please come along side us and pray for favor and provision.

The two sides of God's will: precept and decree. God's precepts are laid out in his Word. They are instructional and call for our adherence to His commands and adoration of Him. God decrees and it comes to pass. He calls men everywhere to repent and believe in Christ whom he has sent. Not everyone responds to the preceptive will of God obediently. On the other hand, His decree cannot be thwarted, it will come to pass. It is comforting to me that He calls us to be faithful and that He is always faithful.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Spiritual Growth

As a Christian I think it is normal to want to progress in the faith. Life has a number of milestones that mark rites of passage into the next phase of life: graduation, marriage, birth of first child etc. What kind of milestones are there in our journey toward Christ-likeness? Should we attempt to measure or evaluate our progress in Grace? We believe God is sovereign but do we live like we are responsible and accountable to a Holy and Sovereign God?

Please pray that I will Preach The Word this Sunday! And that my life will be a living sermon everyday.