Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31

As a family we are hoping to read regularly from Spurgeon's 'Morning and Evening' in the coming year. Savannah is seeking a Bible reading plan for the new year and I am thinking of following it with her.

I plan to continue my sermon series in Acts this Sunday with more from chapter 9.

The vanity and superstitions of this time of year are mind-boggling. The pagans revere everything but Christ.

We studied Jude in our Thursday morning Bible study today. Jude thinks sound doctrine should be upheld and false teachers exposed. Shouldn't we do the same?

My prediction for 2010: the mainstream evangelical movement will continue to imbibe in pseudo-pagan teachings by attempting to further reconcile New Age "spirituality" and their unholy, libertine lives with the Gospel. And the reformed church will become more committed to the Truth as the widening gulf becomes more evident.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Late Evening, December 29

Just returned home from my parents house after honoring the 64th anniversary of my dad's birth. It is great to age. Do you ever wonder where you will be in 10, 20, 30 years? Tonight, I drew a comparison between my place in life and Dad's journey. This is my 1983 (dad turned 38 in 1983). He owned a home and a large number of cars. I rent a home and have 2 cars (only one is operable). He had a 12 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. I have a 14 year old daughter, a 13 year old son, a 9 year old son, a 7 year old daughter, a 5 year old son, a 3 year old son, a 2 year old daughter and a 10 month old daughter. He had a really cool, obedient dog. I have Rebel. His life has changed a lot since then. I look forward to that day when the swarm of grandchildren will come and visit. I don't want to be 20 again, life was too hard from there to here. I couldn't again survive the near loss of my wife to an ectopic rupture in our first pregnancy, the miscarriages, the tough pregnancies and births, sick babies and the multiple pneumonias of Caleb...
Lord grant me true wisdom in Christ. Oh! That I might learn the lessons that you have taught me and the life lessons I see in others. May my next 38 years, Lord willing, far exceed the first 38.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday, December 28

This is the week that doesn't seem to matter. Large numbers of people are off from work and there seems to be less productivity in the world. My dad will be celebrating a birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday Grandaddy! I am reading articles on preaching and a book on preaching today. I desperately need to grow in many areas. My personal devotional life is so critical to ministry.

I enjoyed meeting in the new church rental facility yesterday. There is something right about meeting in a structure intended for worship.

I hope your week is a testimony to your faith in Christ.

We will have our normal Thursday morning Bible study at 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday December 26

We will be "trying out" our potential new church location tomorrow. Please check the website for details.

There has been an adrenaline drop today. You can see the energy drain in people as you pass by.

Enjoying sermon prep in Acts 9. Saul, the great persecutor, is God's chosen vessel in proclaiming the GOSPEL of Christ. He is Grace and Word is sufficient.

I received two great books from friends at church on Thursday evening. I look forward to reading them soon.

Enjoy this opportunity to spend time with friends and family. The gifts will be soon forgotten. Your relationships in Christ have lasting value.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday December 21

I am starting preparations for my message Thursday night.

As a devoted Floridian I don't mind this little cool snap we are having. We have a fire in the fireplace this evening and my wife is preparing dinner which creates a buffet of fragrant scents.

SuSu (Susannah), my 2 year old daughter has been pretty sick for a couple of days. Please pray for her.

Today, is the shortest day of the year (I think). One of my colleagues, a pastor in the south of London, UK said that the sun rose around 8 a.m. yesterday and set at 3:50 p.m. Now that is a short day.
The Lord has a special place in His love for the British Isles. Look at a globe and notice how far north they are. Yet, the gulfstream strangely traverses nearby keeping their climate temperate. It is green all year and rarely stays below freezing for any length of time. It is snowing today, however.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday December 18

We had a long and productive elder's meeting today. The work of the church is never done.

I had an eye appointment today. Contact lenses are a great blessing.

I am working on sermon prep in Acts 9.

There are some positive developments in our church meeting location search...

How can you advance the Kingdom of Christ today?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, Goodbye Lyons family

I hope y'all had a good visit. I am thankful for your friendship and fellowship in Christ. Thanks for the awesome meal at Fish Bones. Jamie and I both put this restaurant near the top of our list of favorites.

Congratulations John on your promotion to homocide detective.

Tomorrow morning at 6 I will be meeting with some of my accountability/Bible study brothers.

CHURCH building...we need one.

Studying Saul's conversion to Christ in Acts 9 and Jude. I will also be diving into a redemptive-historical study of the "Parousia" (Second Coming).

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday December 14

It was a bittersweet evening last night as we celebrated the Boehlkes in anticipation of their move. The Lord has given them the desire of their hearts. Farewell dear friends...

The lack of sleep has caught me. I need to get a good rest tonight.

Please continue to pray about our future church location.

My brother-in-grace John is getting a promotion to homicide detective with FHP, congratulations...We look forward to the ceremony tomorrow.

We will be starting the book of Jude during Thursday morning bible study this week.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday 11 December

The weather feels great. Sometimes you need a cool, grey day. It's like summer in the UK.

Our friends, the Lyons family, will be hear starting late tonight. They are on a blessed journey in Grace.

One of our charter member families is leaving us. Please show your love and appreciation for the Boehlkes now and over the weekend. Don't forget about their going away fellowship Sunday night.

I am diligently searching for a church meeting location. This decision will chart a course for our future growth. Please pray that the elders will have wisdom in selecting a new location.

This weekend our brethren at Reformation Baptist Church will be celebrating 10 years in Lake county. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Bailey and family for Christ-honoring endurance!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday December 10th

I enjoyed my men's Bible study on prayer and the Sr. Bible study on 3 John this morning.

Sermon preparation will be central to my thinking today. One element that I hope to expound on is the idea of being "filled with joy." The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 is joyful upon hearing the Gospel and eager to be obedient in baptism. Herein lies a teachable moment for us. We should celebrate salvation in both our regeneration and that of others. Additionally, it teaches us that holy joy spawns obedience.

We need a greater vision of how God can use us for His Glory.

The subject of adultery is prominent in the news and people are talking about it in the marketplace. There is a great opportunity for us to proclaim the blessings of faithful Christian marriage.

May the God of all comfort guard your hearts in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday 9 December

Happy birthday Mama!

We have had quite a busy day. The family will be over soon in order to celebrate. My wife is making Lasagna. You have no idea how much I love Italian food. Last night, I enjoyed spectacular spaghetti and meatballs prepared by friends. Red sauce two nights in a row... Keep it coming.

I will be enjoying a quiet late-night study session tonight. We will be studying 3 John tomorrow for Thursday Senior Bible study and I will preach the second half of Philip and the Etiopian Eunuch, Lord willing.

I hope you have a great evening. "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation Oh my soul praise Him for He is thy Light and Salvation..."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 8

I really enjoyed seeing our good friends Dan and Matthew Carmichael. The Carmichaels now live in Indiana. The distance is no hinderance to our fellowship. Those in Christ have an unbreakable bond.

I am looking forward to having dinner with some new friends tonight. They are brave to have all 10 of us over for a meal!

Tomorrow is my mom's 59th birthday. We plan to have them over for dinner tomorrow night.

Our good friends, the Lyons family, will again be staying with us over the weekend. This time they will be able to come to church on Sunday!

We are still prayerful about securing a permanent church facility.

I am studying in Acts and related texts.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday December 4

I sometimes enjoy cool rainy days. My enjoyment of the rain will be put to the test in my run this evening. Particularly, as I slosh around the muddy streets, and motorists wonder, "Why is that fat guy running in the rain?"

Today, I will be fully engaged with Acts 8, Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. I have a lot of room for growth as an expositor and preacher. Maybe today I can become 1% more faithful than yesterday. I have been very energized by my friend Jamie's zeal for biblical truth. It is like going to Disney World with a five year old for the first time. You begin to see it with fresh wonder. God is so good to us.

Please pray that I have what I call a "concentration burst" today. I have times where I lock in to the text for a few hours without any possibility of being distracted. It is like being "in the zone." Unfortunately, you cannot replicate the conditions. It just happens.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday December 3rd

I really enjoyed our Reformation Society meeting today. I did not execute my exegesis very well. I was very blessed by the discussion of the text by the group. I also really appreciated my bro-in-law Dr. Bailey's exegesis.

To all of you who hate my hometown of Orlando...I just don't understand. This weather is awesome! To each his own...

Need to study Acts 8, Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. If you can't preach that text you just can't preach.

Praying about our church building situation. The Lord has done some encouraging things in recent days.

The people of First Baptist Markham Woods are so kind and hospitable, thanks for hosting our meeting today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday December 2

We switched Thursday's Bible study to this morning due to a scheduling conflict. The Reformation Society of Central Florida will have its first regular meeting tomorrow. Please pray for these pastors who desire to be faithful to Christ and His Word.

The theme of the day today is "patience." Several situations we are dealing with will require an extra measure of endurance.

My beautiful wife and children are such a blessing. I feel so grateful for the Lord's grace in my life.

I am studying 2 Peter 1 for the Reformation Society meeting. I am also praying about another teaching opportunity.

We are God's people, the sheep of His pasture...What a comforting thought!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday December 1

I have to confess, I really enjoy Christmas but I don't want to enjoy it yet. I get grief from friends and family on my short season ideology. I am still recovering from Thanksgiving. We are a consumerist culture and have been manipulated into thinking we have to imbibe in this insanity for 30 days.

I had a good run this morning. Two-a-days begin tomorrow early. Lift in the morning and interval training in the evening (jog sprint, jog sprint...)

I am drinking coffee at Panera in Dr Phillips and meditating on 2 Peter 1.

The 3 bigs (older children) are visiting their cousins overnight and I miss them.

We are still praying for a church home. We want to have permanent stamp and presence in the community.

I am still taking requests for blog content. If you are looking for an imperfect church with godly motivations and affections we might be the place for you. Contact me if you need more info or go to our website:

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday November 30

Later today, we will be going to celebrate our niece's birthday. I slept in today (a stated goal for Mondays) after initially waking up pretty early. I will be one of the "exegetes" at a Reformation Society meeting for pastors on Thursday. Please pray that I will clearly expound the text 2 Peter 1:1-11.

I am hoping to think less about church and ministry today and focus on personal devotions.

Reading scheduled:
2 Peter
"The Parousia" by J. Stuart Russell (will need discernment on this one)

We are also working on the catechism as a family. I hope you have ablessed day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday before Thanksgiving

Let the games begin. I am ready to celebrate God's goodness to us in Christ. Our beloved friends from Mississippi are here and we are having a great time. No one makes me laugh like my friend Jamie. He is a radical follower of Christ and enjoys life. We took a nice run this morning in the rain. He talked the whole time. I don't run, talk and laugh at the same time usually. My wife made an egg casserole, homemade biscuits, bacon and sausage for breakfast. Lunch is now optional. I am going to eat lots of pumpkin pie tomorrow. When I was little I didn't like it much. Now I love it.
Jamie and I are going to be in the Word and talking theology all day. His wife, Denise ("Neecy") wants to got the IKEA store. I have never been there so we may join the wives for that. I don't like shopping but it would be fun to go anywhere with these folks. I hope you are taking time to express your thanks to Christ. May the Lord bless you real good...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday 23 November

I enjoyed lunch with an old friend today. I ate a giant hamburger at Nature's Table. I guess profit is more important than principle (in this case I am grateful, I didn't want to eat alfalfa sprouts). We have warm fellowship in Christ.

Our friends from Mississippi will arrive tomorrow. We are really looking forward to spending time with them. I am going to work with J on discipleship. Please pray for us.

The Thanksgiving holiday has the potential to be a great time of Worship and Christian Thanksgiving. Take some time to be thank Christ for what he had done for you, your family and church.

Reading MLJ "Preaching and Preachers" again!

I am also hoping to resume my exercise tomorrow. We still have a couple of significant prayer needs.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday afternoon

I enjoyed having lunch with a couple from our church today. They are special people that I am privileged to call friends. My health is improving, thanks for your prayers. The kids are much better and bounced back quicker than I did. I am really looking forward to having our friends from MIZZISSIPPPEEE over for several days next week for Thanksgiving. It is great to have friends that you can pick up where you left off with them the last time you saw them. They are for us and we are for them.

Studied the Acts 8 passage more today. I have spent more time on next week's message than this week's. The time has come to focus on the Philip and Simon.

I so desperately wanted to be used of God for His Glory. Please pray that I will be faithful and fruitful in ministry.

My wife read Psalm 37 to me today. Sweet comfort indeed...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday Afternoon

I am sick in body, but feel strong in spirit. Thursday is Sunday countdown day. The Lord's Day is coming! Hurray!

My patience has been tested this week. Another fruit of the Spirit needs development in me.

I am hoping to get my hands on Holy War tonight, if Savannah is willing. Looking forward to our dear friends who will arrive Tuesday afternoon. Please pray for J and D. Believing Christ is Holy and Sovereign is costing them dearly. Now, they know more of fellowship in Christ's sufferings. I know it is good for them theologically. But I am moved to compassion for them as they endure trials.

Please pray that the Lord would send laborers (new individuals, families) to work with us in His Harvest.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon

I am sick and don't like it. What is really coming to mind is how well I feel most of the time. God is so good to us.

...Studying a sticky section in Acts 8. The text in question will most likely be preached in 2 weeks.

I want to give a special thank you to the anonymous donor who ordered a copy of "Holy War" for my family. Savannah has devoured it and will finish it this week. I haven't been able to read any of the book as of yet. I am looking forward to it!

The urgent need of our churches and our world is the bold proclamation of Christ.

Dana Sue is making homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner with her signature yeast rolls. We shall fare well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday and Everybody Has A Cold

Good Morning, I hope all is well in your family. Our family is battling a cold. Everyone is at least partially affected. We don't have any fevers and the symptoms are mild. The kids and parents are all a bit tired and cranky. This is manageable until multiplied by 10.

Tuesdays are usually very good study and vision days for me. Today, I hope to go to Panera and drink lots of coffee while reading and writing. I haven't been to Panera in about 10 days so my evangelistic/pastoral work has not progressed there. I am thinking of creating a Bible study for the folks in my area. I am not quite sure of the format yet. I need to spend a couple of sessions there this week, if possible.

I am clinging to the hem of Christ's garment on a couple of things. Please pray for me if it comes to mind.

The work of parenting continues. Last night, my little boys were fighting and saying very mean things to one another. Name calling isn't allowed at our house. Those harsh words blurted out in anger cause much harm.

I hope today you will search for opportunities to worship Christ and love the brethren.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Meditation

The corporate worship of the church is only as Christ-exalting as the private devotion of her members.

I am praying for a couple of different things today. I am wanting to grow closer to my Lord devotionally and I am hoping to aid others in this pursuit.

I will be reading the Scripture today in a slow meditative way, and asking the Lord to change my heart as the Truth of Scripture is held up as a mirror which exposes my sin.

Since Sunday is the Lord's Day, at my house we call it King's Day. On Mondays, I try to honor Queen's Day with my wife. Sometimes this event is only an hour long but I try to set aside undistracted time with my treasured bride. We will have some time later today. You pastors out there should really think about adding Queen's Day to your calendar.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Morning Post

I enjoyed time with my son on his birthday yesterday. We are praying that God will use Jacob for his glory.

I met a very nice Christian lady from St Lucia yesterday. Please pray for "R" who is still mourning the loss of her husband through infidelity and divorce. She saw me reading my Bible and felt led to come and talk to me. There is something very different about how believers relate to one another. In Christ, we aren't really strangers!

We have a homegroup today at 3pm. If you live in the Windermere/Dr Phillips area please contact me if you would like to join us.

I plan to preach in Acts 8 tomorrow, Lord willing. We are still hoping the Lord will add to our number like-minded brethren (or those interested in being like-minded) who desire to be faithful to Christ, His Church and His Word.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Evening 12 November

I enjoyed Sr. Bible study this morning. I am excited about studying 2 and 3 John.

Late this evening I plan on reading a book on preaching.

Tomorrow my oldest son, Jacob, will turn 13. I cannot believe I now have 2 kids that have crossed this milestone. We expect our 13 year old children to be very mature. Please pray for Jacob. We believe he can be one of God's great men.

I saw a couple of friends today that I haven't seen in many years. One friend had gone completely bald, the other completely grey. We are all aging.

I am on the Steering Committe for the newly formed central Florida Reformation Society. The format of the monthly meetings goes all the way back to the Reformation and John Knox. It will be great to exegete passages of Scripture together with like-minded brethren.

I am back on the sugar free training plan. No sugar (added) until a one day pumpkin pie exemption on Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday 11 November

The family went to a class on the persecuted church and enjoyed it. I have overtrained a bit and have had an energy dump. I will need to strike a better balance, too much exercise with not enough sleep and recovery time. I want results and I want them now. When I was 20 I remembered thinking, "I will never be out of shape."

This evening I hope to spend some time in Acts 8 to start the sermon "simmering" process. I am learning more about my weaknesses in preaching and preparation and am trying to make the necessary changes. Times of absolute quiet are required for serious meditation on His Word.

My daughter Savannah and I hope to read Bunyan's "Holy War." I don't know if I own a copy or not.

I may have a couple of candidates for "The 100 Men Project." I will let you know if there is any progress.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday 9 November

Mondays are supposed to be my "off" day. I never fully get away from the work however. The pastoral ministry is challenging because you can never say, "This project is done." Just when you think things will calm down, the phone rings or an email arrives with new challenges. The leaders of the church must maintain a steady hand. The road gets rocky then it gets worse. I write this in a time of relative calm. We must be men of the Bible and prayer.

Tomorrow, we have an elder's meeting and then a Reformation Society gathering. It will be good to work with other like-minded churches for the cause of reformation.

I am looking forward to going deeper in Acts 8, I wasn't thrilled with my preaching on Sunday.

I am still thinking about writing some articles on idolatry. I firmly believe it is the evangelistic avenue we should be pursuing.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday Thumping

I really benefited from the the early morning discussion on prayer with my brothers. It was heart-searching and convicting. I must be more devoted to Christ in prayer.

I am really looking forward to preaching Acts 8, I like it at least as much as Acts 7 but I always say that about the texts I study. My favorite Bible section is the one I am preaching.

I am very encouraged about 2 men who are really serious about following Christ. One is a younger man with great zeal, and the other is an old friend who has come to be radically committed to reformed theology and is discerning a call to ministry.

We will be studying the catechism and Proverbs in family worship tonight.
I told my oldest son Jacob that our wrestling days are soon going to be over. He is going to be really big (he thinks he will be small) and is super strong. In a light hearted moment he asked if he could call me his "old man." I said no.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I met a guy who survived a lightning strike today, I don't think he saw God's grace in it however.

Tomorrow, Thursday morning Bible study in downtown Orlando on prayer. Sr. Bible study at Perkins in Ocoee is on 2 John @ 8:30.

I talked with my big kids about Acts 8 last night which is next for Sunday morning preaching. They have keen insights into the Scriptures.

On a personal note, I have given up Diet Coke. It has been about 6 days and I have actually had withdrawal symptoms! I started drinking it when I made a push to go sugar-free a few years back. I had been drinking gigantic amounts. I read alot of material and the aspartame is bad stuff. I always go "all in" on things like this so cold turkey was the only option. Also, I am trying to exercise 6 days per week. I have averaged about 4 per week the last month or so. 3 for 3 on exercise this week with 2 days having weight training and running. Today, I lifted in the morning and plan to run before dinner. The eating and exercise programs are great opportunities to be more disciplined. Though bodily exercise profits 'a little' it also helps my spiritual life somehow which is excellent both now and in eternity.

I just ate a cinnamon roll. I don't think that is a good Diet Coke trade off. The work of personal discipline continues...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunrise With Spurgeon and Dana Sue

It is quite common to wake up before the sun rises. This morning, my wife and I decided to make some coffee and walk a few hundred yards down to the lake for a time of devotion together. We decided to let the Prince of Preachers instruct us on prayer from Morning and Evening. The cool breezes and warm fellowship made for a perfect start to the day.

I am planning to meet with a fellow pastor today at lunch. It will be good to support each other's ministry. Today, I will also begin more purposeful study in Acts 8. This is a turning point in the book, when Luke turns his attention primarily to Paul's ministry to the church. We will enjoy the evangelistic exploits of Phillip on te way to Saul's conversion in Acts 9. I enjoy the unique stylistic element that Luke uses in foreshadowing Paul's prominence later. He is most certainly a villian in Acts 8. The greatest enemy of Christ's Church will become her greatest herald!

Smash your idols today. Worship the Lord of Hosts (Psalm 24).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Unmerited Favor on 30 October

Apart from my salvation, nothing rivals being married to Dana Sue. It is normal for a husband to extol the virtues of his wife (or should be). When I step back and examine her life, I am amazed. She loves purely. She sees the best in others, and is always seeking their good. The only challenge for my wife is she doesn't have enough time. Many of her friends (dozens and dozens) need time with her and she wants to give it but the time runs out. Several times per week she sets aside her plans and attempts to minister to them. My mom asked the question that many in my family wondered at the time we were getting engaged, "Is she for real? No one can be like that all the time." Yes mom, she is for real. As we celebrae our 16th anniversary tomorrow I realize she is even better than our imagination could conceive. So what can I say about what makes Dana Sue so special? It is because Christ has transformed her and she has been faithful to seek his face and obey.

And as if that wasn't enough, she is the most beautiful woman ever. May the Lord, according to His abundant Grace give us many more years of marriage. And may we see all of our children's children!

My niece CE is 15 today

Happy Birthday! You are a sweet young lady.

I am writing the Reformation Day Quiz for Saturday. Knowledge of all things Calvin and the Reformation will be required for victory. If you would like to come please let me know by tomorrow at the latest.

Studying the dying grace of Stephen at the end of Acts 7. Stephen's faith is extraordinary.

Worship Him in the Spirit of Truth!

  • Pray

  • Read and study His Word

  • Obey Him

  • Share His Truth with others

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday 28 October

Reformation Day planning and execution is in high gear. We will have at least 120 people attending. "Calvin's Caper" and the Quiz should be great fun. The food and fellowship won't be bad either.

Our children learned so much working on their Calvin essays, a noble pursuit indeed. I was very impressed with all of the submissions. I read them all carefully and learned a great deal about Calvin in the process.

Sermon prep in Acts 7 and 8. Starting 2 John in tomorrow's Thursday morning Bible study.

Thinking about writing a series on idolatry and its remedy in the coming weeks.

I am not sure about the blogging. Does it have any real value for our people or for those we are trying to reach?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 27

I enjoyed our elder's meeting this morning. I love my brothers Kevin and Mark.

Reformation Day is rapidly approaching. If you would like to attend our celebration please let me know soon. The essays and art for our contest have been turned in. The young people have done a great job, very encouraging.

Tonight for family worship we will be looking at 'Telling The Truth" chapter for Sunday, talking a little Reformation and reading in Proverbs.

Men's Bible study downtown on Wednesday a.m. this week.

I also had an encouraging converstaion with another reformed pastor this afternoon. It is good to lock arms with the brethren.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Divestiture of self

What would our lives be like if we sought only the glory of Christ and not our own agendas? Though not possible entirely (because of our sinful condition), what if we made our interests subordinate to Kingdom ends more consistently?

As a preacher, I want to be about Kingdom business. Lord will you put my "self interest" to death? Will you replace it with a desire to labor in Kingdom business?

Enjoyed lunch with a new friend today. He is zealous for good theology and practice.

I am looking forward to spend time with brother/sister inlaw and family later this evening.

Read and meditate on the Word today. Reformation Day is coming (31 October). Let me know if you want to come to our celebration and learn more about Calvin and the Reformation. No pagan party will be as fun!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday 23 October

I went to Wal-Mart with my wife this morning. That is an act of love.

Today, is the day I have to be real clear where the sermon is going. The sermon should ONLY reflect the content of the text and corresponding themes. Stephen's Apologia in Acts 7 will culminate in his death. Are we willing to give our lives to proclaim the truth of Christ's Gospel (plug in a John Piper sermon on missions here)?

Sweet Abigail will be having a birthday tomorrow. She is the only child born during our time of ministry in the Kansas City area. It is hard to imagine we went to KC more than 9 years ago. My wife and I have said recently that these last 5 years are a blur. The Lord has blessed us with 4 children, the work of planting a church and the conversion and maturation of our 3 oldest have made it seem like we have lived a lifetime in mere moments. It is amazing to consider. What will the next 5 years hold? Hopefully, faithfulness to Christ and fruitful labor for His church will mark our lives. If you could write the story of your next 5 years what would it say?

What do you need to do to live your dreams? I hope your plans reflect a holy acknowledgment Christ's Preeminence.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday 22 October

Enjoyed Thursday morning Bible study at Perkins. Had one of the biggest crowds ever. I also enjoyed spending time with Paul afterward. He got the tour of our new house, Windermere and we talked theology.

Sermon prep in Acts 7 today. Proverbs and practical wisdom for family worship.

I feel better, no symptoms but am completely drained. I have a big run scheduled before supper but my bride advises against it. Will wisdom or stubborness reign?

An infusion of stamina for studying is needed. Reading is making me sleepy. Maybe a mid-afternoon coffee is in order. I really like Community Coffee 'Between Roast.' Tip of the cap to the Bailey's for introducing it to us.

When I think of my life, Lou Gehrig's famous farewell speech comes to mind with a twist of Christian worldview; "I consider myself the (Gehrig said "luckiest")most blessed man on the face of the earth."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I am feeling a little better today. Starting to get deeper into the text for Sunday, the end of Stephen's sermon against the Sanhedrin in Acts 7.

Studied Proverbs 12:1 in family worship last night. It was very compelling that the text used the term "stupid" in talking about those who hate correction. It was a timely message for any person, adult or child.

We feel so blessed to be in our new home. It is good to be closer to the battle in familiar surroundings. Now if the Lord will just give us a place to meet.

Looking forward to Thursday a.m. Bible study at Perkins in Ocoee. The start time is 8:30. It has been great to see some new faces at church. May the Lord be pleased to continue the increase.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Under the weather

I started feeling bad yesterday afternoon and had a rough night. Today, I am not 100%. I continue to pray for our church meeting location. I want the church to exist until the Lord comes. I think from a stewardship perspective we need to acquire our permanent space sooner rather than later (of course we acknowledge Christ's sovereignty over the timing).

There is an unlimited Gospel ministry opportunity in Orlando. Lord make us faithful ambassadors.

Bible reading in Romans, in family worship Proverbs and hopefully, Telling The Truth, ed. Carson. I am also reading Rediscovering Expository Preaching, ed. MacArthur.

If you are reading the blog regularly please consider being a "follower." Follow the link on the bar on the right side of this page. If I know you are out there I may be able to provide content that interests you.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cool Air

Invigorating, energizing and fading this is the plight of our hometown weather. The warm up begins tomorrow, savor the breezes and clear blue skies. In John 3, Jesus likens the Spirit to "wind" whereby, we can see its effects and feel it on our faces but we cannot see from where it comes or where it goes. In many churches revivalism reigns. Is the Holy Spirit a cosmic butler? Does he run like a hired hand to cater to our whims? We had better take extra care in order to maintain appropriate reverence for the HOLY Spirit.

I hoping to read a large quantity of Scripture today for personal devotion. I will not take up the last section of Acts 7 until tomorrow.

We are planning the best Reformation Day celebration ever.

Sweet Abigail is having a birthday Saturday and wants a kitty. There are 2 kinds of people in the world those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't. Some are cat people, others prefer dogs and others don't like pets at all. I am a dog (no jokes for those of you who like to pick on my physical appearence, especially DWB) man. I love my baby girl more than life so if she wants a kitty she gets it! You should hear her pray that the Lord would somehow allow her to get one. If any of you have an orange, tiger looking kitten, I am in the market.

I like Neil wardrobe and hair. 'Play it now, play it now!'

On another note, I always thought mobsters on TV dressed cool. I remember watching a stakeout of John Gotti or one of those mob bosses and there was a large henchman wearing one of those sweet terry cloth sweat suits and bright white tennis shoes. This guy hasn't exercised since the 60's. He has it zipped down with a GIANT gold necklace and medallion. I'd love to get one of those just for fun. How do you think my wife would feel about me sporting one of those in public?

Friday, October 16, 2009

16 October

Sermon prep is heavy on my mind. To what degree is Stephen advancing the "living stones" idea of God's spritual house being made up of believers not a 'temple' structure? The theme is certainly there but my biblical theology side wonders how far Stephen is going in Acts 7:44-50. I would like to think he is developing it in the way Peter does later but it is early in the revelatory development of the Church's standing in Christ. God's dwelling place, Stephen argues, is in the hearts of men (the Kingdom too). The Sanhedrin would certainly bristle at that. Particularly, when you consider the 'earthiness' of the Sadducees. He is by default defending himself against the charge of blaspheming the Temple (Acts 6) but his main argument is to proclaim judgment against the Sanhedrin because they have failed to esteem the promised Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Reading again in 2 Samuel, Romans and Famine In The Land (Lawson).

Feeling a bit melancholy today. I know the Truth but don't feeeeel the blessing. I had better go preach to myself, pray and repent!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The prayer of my heart is that I would be a man of God, wholly given to the preaching of Christ and Him Crucified.


2 Samuel in connection with Stephen's Sanhedrin sermon in Acts 7.
"Famine In The Land" Steve Lawson

Looking forward to spending time with the family this evening. The children are very excited about our church's Reformation Day celebration. I took the Calvin quiz on our website and my daughter, son and wife all scored higher than me.
Tonight in family worship I plan to discuss the chapter we are studying in the Carson book, Telling The Truth. This section relies heavily on Phil Jensen's Two Ways To Live.

I hope your Thursday is blessed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Power Connected?

Yesterday we had a 3 repairmen come to the house to work. There were 2 plumbing issues, and an electrical fire hazard. Those were repairs we knew about ahead of time. Within 12 hours of scheduling the repairmen the front A/C, the dishwasher and the dryer stopped working. DS was losing her mind. During the afternoon and evening hours it got really hot up front so we ate dinner in our master bedroom (the A/C still works back there). I was about to retrieve our old dryer which was buried in the garage when I thought I would "play" with the circuit breakers. I noticed several were tripped. I went and turned those on and the dishwasher and dryer began working again. What was most baffling is the plumber and electrician were at the circuit breaker yesterday while we were having problems. These appliances stopped working before they arrived. They may have turned other breakers off or maybe the electrical issue caused it, who knows?

This made me think of a spiritual application. We often wonder why our lives are less effective than we want them to be. Could it be that we have disconnected from our power source? The spiritual disciplines of prayer and Bible study/meditation connect us to Christ. Maybe some of your frustration is related to running on your own power (like a mouse on a treadmill). Go check your circuit breakers and make sure everything is connected. The front A/C still isn't working right so the obvious solution isn't always a cure all. In our spiritual lives we will have to dig deep to find the cause. We live in a fallen world. Sometimes A/C units break, sometimes our trouble is because of our transgressions, the transgressions committed against us by others and sometimes it is because of Adam's Fall in Genesis.

Isn't it good to know we have a Savior who can conquer all?

Hope you enjoyed my Tuesday blog sabbatical.

Monday, October 12, 2009


After running this morning I was again reminded that my youthful athleticism is fleeting. Last week, my oldest son (soon to be 13) asked if he could join me on a 3 mile run. I warned him that though he is extremely fit, the kind of running he had been doing (sports, sprinting) wouldn't necessarily translate well to a longer distance endurance run. He started at a quicker pace than I thought wise and remained about 25-50 yards ahead of me. He was able to maintain a blistering pace, sprinting over the canal bridge both ways, running ahead then back to me to check and see if I was okay (he enjoyed that). My boy is a stud! He sprinted the last 1/4 mile home. I came in a couple of moments later, he was drinking a glass of water and had already returned to a normal breathing pattern. In my twenties, this would have bothered me. Now I just feel blessed. I don't want to be a teenager again. In fact, as a Christian and pastor the idea of being an old man is exciting to me. More years of knowing and loving Christ and the wisdom that can only be acquired through years of living is very appealing. It is good to be here. Take some time to appreciate what Christ has done for you. Don't look back with longing, enjoy today's blessings and apply what you have learned to an expectant future. We are blessed if we know Him. Grey hair and failing body come, we fear you not!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Prayers and Provision

Thank you so much for praying. The Lord was so gracious to provide for our needs yesterday. It was a great learning opportunity for us and our children. We were clinging to Him and He supplied our need.

Sermon Prep in Acts 7 (and related texts) will dominate my thinking today. I like to have all the biblical information "simmering" as I pray and meditate about delivering the Lord's message. I so want to be God's man and deliver His message.

Dana has a big discipleship/fellowship day today with two/three different ladies.

We want to attempt great things for God at Covenant. Come and join us!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

41st post

This is a picture I took with my phone of my baby girl Abigail.
She asked me to pull her tooth out. I asked my son to get some really big pliers to tease her. He came back with a giant pair of grips. I had her open wide...She was afraid but trusting. They never touched her mouth. It was so funny! I promise no children were hurt in this production.

This is my 41st post. Why is that significant? I don't know. Today has been a good day thus far. Enjoyed Men's Bible study on prayer early this morning followed by Sr. Bible study on 1 John 5@ 8:30.

I need to have a great study day.

Acts 7 for sermon prep

Proverbs for family worship

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We are earnestly praying for our new church home. There are new developments, please pray.

Two Bible studies tomorrow morning. The first is downtown with Orlando businessmen on Prayer. The second is our Sr. Bible study on 1 John. So today I am studying 3 Bible subjects if you include sermon preparation.

Prayer is our great comfort. We have pressing needs.

There is nothing like knowing Christ and walking by faith!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Preaching and Hearing

We often lament the condition of our churches and the trend away from biblical preaching. Contrary to popular belief, preaching is a decidedly Christian endeavor and is a hallmark distinctive that separates us from the religions of the world. Preaching is not novel or original. It is the "heralding" of God's Truth from God's Book. We critique churches that are deviating from the biblical pattern. How quick are we to find fault with our own lack of desire and attentiveness for biblical preaching? Theologically, we know a church should have biblical preaching but practically it doesn't captivate our interest. You say we should be upholding biblical orthodoxy, how is your orthopraxy? Do you love hearing the proclamation of God's Word? Or is it something to be endured until the clock strives 12 so you can get on with the things that provide you greater pleasure? Is missing the corporate gathering of the church no big deal?

If a new Reformation is to come, it will only be possible when the Holy Spirit gives the saints the desire to hear more of the Glory of Christ. If the saints loved the Word and the heralding of the Word more the preachers who labor in group therapy, pragmatism, easy-believism and worldliness would be put out of business. If your pastor labors in movie clips and cultural relevancy respectfully ask him to repent. If he won't repent you need to get your family in a church that believes God is Holy, that loves to glorify Christ and is willing to conform to His character and commands, "...Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?" (James 4:4b)NKJV

The preaching might not be dynamic enough for your tastes but a more pressing question is, How is your hearing?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jameson Thomas Jackson Brenyo turns 5 today

Happy Birthday General Jameson! We are blessed to be your parents. Your siblings, family and friends adore you.

We went to Fire Station #1 in downtown Orlando for a tour. Dana, Savannah and Charissa made a phenomenal Fire truck birthday cake. He is having a great day, Star Wars legos abound with more fun and frivolity to come...

Studying in Acts, praying God will make me a preacher.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I would like to invite you to join us for church tomorrow. We currently meet at the Geneva School Early Education campus located at:

7540 Grand Ave
Winter Park, FL 32792

It is located one block off of Howell Branch Rd. It is between Aloma and 436 but closer to Aloma. There is a Seminole County Fire Station near the intersection of Howell Branch and Grand.

9:30 Study Hour (currently studying the book Telling the Truth ed. Carson)
coffee/fellowship break
10:30 Worship
12- Fellowship meal

If you need any help or have any questions email me:

Friday, October 2, 2009


We are praying for provision on many fronts. The first, is our own needs. The second, is for our church location and finances. The others, dozens of people we know are struggling financially. Let us lift up the needs of our brethren and look for ways to be the means of their relief.

Studying for sermon in Acts 7 "Stephen's Apologia-Moses"

Reading excerpts from two books on preaching.

Proverbs for family worship tonight. Fellowship with friends over lunch today.

Tell your friends and family about our church. We seek to be faithful and fruitful.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reading, Writing and Praying

Continuing to read the Eastman book on prayer. Plan to do some sermon preparation into the late hours of the evening. Working on 2 church related writing projects.

We are hoping to invite some of our new neighbors/town residents to church. Homegroups will probably be their first stop. At least one of the new families from last week plans to come back this week. Looking forward to seeing our members who have been gone for much of the summer.

We really need your prayers. The church location search has become a huge drain on me personally. The Lord has been so gracious in providing our current home in Winter Park. I really want the Windermere church but trust in God's plan.

We are scheduled for more Proverbs study tonight in family worship. Also, I am hoping to spend some spiritual time with my wife.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Big Study Day, Becoming a More Spiritual Man

I hope to make some progress today on my sermon. Stephen's Apologia in Acts 7 is phenomenal. The best thing for any preacher to do is get out of the way and let the Bible do the preaching.

Jeremiah (I am really enjoying this)
Genesis-Exodus (I am trying to get a handle on the transition between the 2)
Family worship tonight, Proverbs DV

Preaching Pure and Simple, Stuart Olyott

The elders have a big vision. Do the people of Covenant?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday September 29

Today is a great day. All days have difficulty and all have blessings. We tend to only focus on what is wrong. There are many blessings that get overlooked because we only have eyes to see the problems we face. We should be more effusive in our praise and thanksgiving. Our tendency to whine and complain saps our joy and makes those around us less likely to enjoy our company. Don't abandon realism but show everyone your joyful status as a child of the King.

Genesis, Jeremiah

Preaching and Preachers, by M.Lloyd-Jones
No Easy Road, Eastman (for downtown men's group on Thursday a.m.)

Working on a baptism candidate questionnaire.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday afternoon

I went on a nice long run this morning and could tell there was a little less heat and humidity.

Reading in Acts and Jeremiah.

Praying for the Windermere church property.

Returned the Quinlans trailer. Thanks for letting us use it.

If there are any topics you would like me to cover on the blog send an email and I will try to work it in.

Friday, September 25, 2009

100 Godly Men

I have been thinking about the kind of impact 100 godly men could have on the community. Imagine the strengthening of marriages and families, the willingness to be bold in the marketplace and living in the glow of Christ's glory. Would a large metropolitan area like Orlando, with its 2,000,000 plus residents be shaken if 100 men lived unreservedly for Christ?

Sunday is coming. Therefore, sermon prep is a priority today. Also, we are having a homegroup meeting at our house in Windermere tonight. Let me know if you would like to come.

I am praying diligently for the new meeting house location. We will undoubtedly hear about this soon.

It is the greatest privilege and honor to be a herald for Christ's Gospel. Thanks for your friendship and fellowship in Him.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Theology on Thursday, A Lesson

Theology proper is the study of God and His attributes.
Systematic or Dogmatic Theology is an attempt organize an orderly, coherent and rational accounting of Christian beliefs.
Biblical Theology is tied directly to the biblical revelation in context and the progressive revelation of God's acts of redemption.
Historical Theology seeks to examine the way the church has viewed the doctrine of God through the ages.
Practical or Applied Theology is seeking to work out theology in a particular field: evangelism, missions, pastoral theology, spiritual formation et al. (Example; God is Sovereign. Therefore, my evangelistic methodology should accurately reflect His Sovereign character).
Of course, all of these must be constrained by biblical orthodoxy.

I hope this helps as you strive to order your own theological study. Sometimes we need to evaluate the questions we are asking about a text or subject. It may be most helpful to collate all of the passages that deal with the character of God (systematic/dogmatic approach). While other times we must let the text we are reading speak to us as it did to the original audience without importing all that we know from subsequent biblical revelation. This biblical-theological approach allows the "story" to unfold in a progressive and more natural manner. These individual theological disciplines should not be seen as mutually exclusive or in opposition to one another.

Enjoyed Sr. Bible study this morning. Looking forward to learning more about the Glory of Christ as I study and pray today.

Having a homegroup fellowship tomorrow @ 6:30 in the evening. Please contact me if you would like to attend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Woven Together

The story of redemption is woven together masterfully. The human authors, the themes, the genres, the books, the verses, the phrases, and the words of Scripture reflect Divine wisdom and cohesion. God has revealed Himself in the Word not to further mystify us but to bring illumination and clarity. Get in His Book today in order to see more of His bright glory.

Had the owner of our home stop in for a visit. It went well. Looking forward to homegroup which will be at our house on Friday evening at 6:30. Guests are welcome, let me know if you would like to come. Please email me @

Thinking about adding Twitter but wonder what the appeal of knowing what I had for breakfast could possibly be?
Telling The Truth, Carson ed.

Family Worship tonight-Proverbs DV
Also need to study 1 John for Thursday morning Bible study.

Men's group for tomorrow morning is cancelled. That means I get to sleep until 6:30 (Wow, I can't wait, now if Miss Elisabeth will be gracious).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

In today's self-centric world sin is minimized and described as being a weakness (or not an area of strength) and therefore on that basis the individual is exonerated from consequences related to the sin. God did create us with talents and strengths to be used for His glory. He also gave us an expansive array of opportunities to grow in grace in those areas that are weak. Never does He give us a pass on obedience. Never does He indicate that His holy standards can be compromised. So to all of us living in the delusion that our weaknesses don't count as sin, turn to the One who will expose your sin and lead you to repentance.

I feel as though my sin and my inability far outweigh the duties of my calling. My vision exceeds my talent. Maybe in this place of self disappointment, God can use someone like me as His servant. You can be used for His glory today. Acknowledge your frailty, in this Christ is shown to be strong.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The 100 Man Project

I believe the Lord has given me an exciting vision for the Kingdom today. It is in its germ phase but I wanted to get the word out as soon as possible. I am looking for 100 men to commit to live radically for Christ in the Orlando area. This call to arms is not for the faint hearted. I am looking for true warriors for Christ. You must be a finisher to participate. These 100 men will transform the city by living radically faithful lives for Christ. They will come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many will become part of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, others will reform their current congregations. Follow the blog closely, more details to come...

An Invitation

What is your church like? Do they preach the Word? Do they have meaningful church membership and discipline? Do they believe that God is big and man is small?

If you answered no to one or more of these questions we would ask that you consider
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. We aren't perfect but we value the important tenets of the faith. Check out our website:

I would like to personally invite you to join us in the pilgrimage of Faith.

I'm going to Panera(Dr Phillips) @ about 2pm for a cup of coffee, to study and to minister to those in need. Drop in if you are able and introduce yourself.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My baby girl is 14 today

It doesn't seem possible. Savannah was born 14 years ago today. We are most blessed to have her as our daughter. This morning we spent some time together and I was amazed at her spiritual maturity. She has comprehensive Bible knowledge and wisdom beyond her years. We know it isn't because we have raised her right. It is because of His Grace. In matters from salvation to child rearing, put no confidence in your methods, depend on His Grace.

Studying Acts 7 in anticipation of preaching this Sunday morning.

Did some research on biblical chronolgy which was very thought provoking.

Though I am severely limiting my sugar consumption I will fully imbibe in Dana's chocolate (with fudge icing) birthday cake tonight.
See you @ the blog Monday, Lord willing.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday is transition day

I always awake early on Thursday mornings and wonder how it can be Thursday again. It is the day of the week I like to have some clarity on the essence of my sermon on Sunday. On this Thursday, I am behind schedule. Acts 7 provides an amazing opportunity to teach the redemption story throught the lens of one of the Church's greatest apologists, Stephen. I will probably preach at least 4, as many as 10 sermons in Acts 7, Lord willing.

I enjoyed my men's Bible study downtown this morning, followed by Sr. Bible study at Perkins in Ocoee. Now I'm onto my personal, Pastor/Preacher Bible study, to be followed by teaching my husband/father Bible study to my family. What an awesome privilege and responsibility. If it comes to mind please pray that I will be a faithful herald of Christ's Gospel. I am extremely burdened that we be faithful to reach the community with the Hope of Christ. Maybe you could invite someone to be your guest at church this Sunday. I want my life to be characterized by an unfaltering drive to make the Glory of Christ known. Please continue to pray that the Lord will give us favor in providing a permanent meeting house.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

There Isn't a Debate

In this age of "non-truth" Christianity and the biblical call for repentance and faith in Christ is described even by Christians as a "debate" between competing worldviews. I say "poppycock" (check the Dutch etymology on that one). Christ is the Truth! Repent and believe! Don't look for philosophical wiggle room. Lay aside your idols, adulterers and adultresses. Come Worship Him who lives and reigns forevermore!

We need active duty warriors for Christ. Will you enlist? Don't come with your charade of false humility. Come with bold confidence in Christ alone, Solus Christus. Proclaim the Truth of His Word, Sola Scriptura. For the Glory of God Alone, Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Interesting day so far, we had an elder's meeting this morning and the car I was driving (mom-in-law's) broke down.

Working on a church policy statement


Jeremiah and Acts
"Light and Heat-The Puritan View Of The Puplit" Bickel

Hoping to make new friends in the neighborhood. Praying for Windermere church facility favor and faithful worship, fellowship and witness for Covenant.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Life and Worldview, New Reformation

Thought provoking discussion yesterday at church on Christ and culture. We must defend the truth of Christ against the malaise of weak-kneed syncretists. Instead of apologizing for Christ's Truth we should call the Church to repent of her willingness to be worldly. May we stand firm against the tidal erosion of Christ's Gospel and usher in a new Reformation. The new Reformation must emphasize personal holiness and a resolve to think and live biblically.


Drinking lots of coffee
Hoping to take a big run before dinner tonight

Prayer Request:
Windermere church building, fasting and praying for favor this week

Friday, September 11, 2009

Moving Week

Thanks to all who have helped us move.

Reading: Jeremiah

Studying: Acts 6, The false witness against Stephen

My 6 year old Abigail has requested a $.99 ice cream cone from Allens with her daddy later this afternoon. I told her, "Only if you don't invite other kids to come along." You should have seen that smile. A short walk to Main St. and a blessed time with my Sswweeeeet Abi' gail (I sing this, to the tune of Neil Diamond's "Caroline" to her at least once a day).

We love our new home! I have never felt so comfortable in a new house. Now if I can just find my brown socks...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday is a workday

Though everyone knows that preachers only work on Sundays, a different reality exists for me. No matter my level of preparation I always study on Saturdays and by about 4pm I am not the best company for family outings etc because "Sunday is coming." I say this not to complain but to let you know how much our corporate gathering means to me. I am preparing to bring a message from God's Word. Will you take a little time preparing your hearts on Saturday evening? Will you get all of the clothes, shoes, belts and bows ready so you come ready to feast on His Word? Take advantage of the opportunity to devote yourself in a unique way to the things of God tomorrow. You won't be sorry you did.

My wife and 7 of our kids are at our new house in Windermere cleaning and playing. My eldest son Jacob is sitting with his grandmother who is recovering from surgery.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Studying in My New Neighborhood

Today, I am working from my new location. I will be spending alot of time getting to know the folks of the southwest parts of Orlando. Please pray that our family will be Salt and Light. Please pray that our church can have an impact for Christ. Please consider joining us as we try to be a faithful local expression of Christ's church.

Tip of the cap to Mark. I just had my first Panera Bearclaw. Very nice almond cinnamon combo.

Hopefully, my mother-in-law will be able to come home from the hospital today. I need traffic to my blog so please consider signing up and "following" me.

Preaching on Acts 6:1-6 on Sunday, Lord willing. Title: "The First Deacons: Conflict Yields Clarity"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Unexpected and The Will of God

One of the burdens of life is the unexpected. You can make plans. They can go awry.

We are praying fervently about our church meeting location. Please come along side us and pray for favor and provision.

The two sides of God's will: precept and decree. God's precepts are laid out in his Word. They are instructional and call for our adherence to His commands and adoration of Him. God decrees and it comes to pass. He calls men everywhere to repent and believe in Christ whom he has sent. Not everyone responds to the preceptive will of God obediently. On the other hand, His decree cannot be thwarted, it will come to pass. It is comforting to me that He calls us to be faithful and that He is always faithful.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Spiritual Growth

As a Christian I think it is normal to want to progress in the faith. Life has a number of milestones that mark rites of passage into the next phase of life: graduation, marriage, birth of first child etc. What kind of milestones are there in our journey toward Christ-likeness? Should we attempt to measure or evaluate our progress in Grace? We believe God is sovereign but do we live like we are responsible and accountable to a Holy and Sovereign God?

Please pray that I will Preach The Word this Sunday! And that my life will be a living sermon everyday.

Monday, August 31, 2009


This morning I woke up before my alarm with unusual energy. I felt like I was shot out of a cannon. The day has not disappointed. Please pray for my mother-in-law Dee. She will be having surgery tomorrow.

I am amazed today at the possibilities before us. Some of you may need to come and be a part!

Proverbs (family devotion)
Ephesians (personal devotion)
2 Chronicles (just Bible reading

Sorry, that is all I have today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Answer Is Yes

Thanks to all who prayed. We will be living in Windermere. I was telling my wife about the hermeneutics of our move this morning. The fact is we will be moving to Windermere. But, how will people interpret that move? We can't control the perceptions. The ultimate reason we are moving is for ministry (moving faster than expected because of our landlord). There is a tremendous need for missionaries in the southwest quadrant of Orlando. There is Gospel work to be done. Maybe we could change the way we think about our housing. You have to live somewhere, you might as well occupy the land for Christ as His ambassadors!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

September, October, Ever?

We will know for sure (we were told) if we have the Windermere house tomorrow morning. It got me thinking. Is a "no" answer a bad one? If "yes" why the delay? The Lord is working to make us more like Christ. I am more patient than I used to be but, I certainly need growth in that area. After all, I have plans to execute (I am already behind schedule) for the Kingdom... Even good intentions get mixed with self interest. His plans are better than my plans. If the only purpose in waiting is my sanctification then I say 'Praise the Lord.' If the answer is "no" what were we spared from? If "yes" we get what we thought we wanted with a little divine instruction along the way. Maybe we all need to have a more dynamic heavenly perspective on our circumstances. Then our anxiety would be cast into the calm waters of His providential care.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today I am trying to have a profitable time studying. I plan to preach on the last section of Acts 5.
We are still awaiting word on our home. We are starting to think that though we have met all the criteria the landlord would not prefer a radical pastor, his wife, 8 children and a less than stellar mini basset named "Rebel" to live in her newly refurbished home.
On tap for reading: "Telling The Truth: Evangelizing Postmoderns" edited by DA Carson.
To say we are in the swirl of chaos this week would be an understatement. Thanks for your friendship and fellowship in the Gospel. It makes you wonder how unbelievers survive times like this. I love the God who is Holy and Sovereign!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We have been praying very specifically about a home in Windermere in which to live. It seems as though the Lord has opened the door. Please pray for us today as decisions will most likely be finalized.
I enjoyed our elder's meeting this morning. It is good to be engaged in the battle on the Lord's team.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith, It's Hard

I am praying for something earnestly today. We need a new place to live. All I can see are the things in the way. My confidence wavers. Does God have a good plan for me? Theologically, I know the answer and most of the time practically as well. But today, all I see is my sin and the reasons I shouldn't be blessed. Maybe that isn't all bad. Grace, Grace, God's Grace...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Reading List For This Week

Christ-Centered Preaching by Brian Chappel
Where In The World Is The Church by Michael Horton

Bible reading (non sermon prep):
1-2 Chronicles

I think 1-2 Chronicles are extremely valuable in order to understand the context of the New Testament. With a tripartite division of the books (Hebrew Bible format) the retelling of Israel's history closes the OT canon. I believe that is a critical piece of the hermeneutical equation that is often overlooked. I believe that Jesus, His Disciples (including Paul) saw the realization of Israel's redemptive history in Christ. Though that may seem obvious it is quite dense when you begin to examine it.
I have really enjoyed the Horton and Chappel books. I want to grow in both my preaching and understanding the Church's relationship with the culture. Are you reading anything praiseworthy?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Flat tire, no jack- Why we need each other

This morning I headed to the gym to workout knowing I had a tire with some problems. On the way I thought "my plan has worked I can do what I want before taking care of this." Driving from the gym the vibration began to increase I thought if I slowed down maybe I could make it home. Kathunk, kathunk... I have a flat tire. This mishap was made more exciting since I remembered my jack broke the last time I had a flat. My friend and coelder Kevin came to my aid. I used his jack, which slipped and caused my behemoth truck to fall onto the rotor and pin the spare tire under my wheel well, significantly damaging my front quarter panel. Only the restraining and sanctifying work of the Lord prevented me from going nuclear. Kevin left to buy a floor jack. In the meantime, Raleigh, Billy and Raleigh came to my aid. These were country folk who knew a thing or two about trucks (the fact that I drove a Ford endeared me to them, sorry Dad-Chevy man). Grandpa, Dad and teenage son quickly moved in (they carry floor jacks with them). My spare is now in place. I write about my morning to remind you of your need for Christian fellowship. These "brethren" had tools and knowledge I didn't possess. The Lord intended us to live in community. Have you forsaken or begrudged the assembling of yourslves together? Have you failed to ask for help in your time of need. There are Raleighs and Billys ready to help. We need each other, its part of His plan.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday challenges

The Word is authoritative, inerrant, infallible and sufficient. Whatever you are facing today, Christ has given the Christian all that he needs for life and godliness in His Word. Some of you may need to turn off your laptops, x off facebook, twitter et al and read the Bible. They don't have the answers you are looking for. Are you more apt to check your email or social network than the special revelation of God? Repent. His communion fellowship is both sweeter and satisfying.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Praying about strategic move

We have a challenge and an opportunity. One the one hand, we found out that we need to move. On the other, we have an opportunity to move into the heart of an area that is lacking sound doctrine and witness for Christ. Please pray for us. We will likely decide this week whether we take the house we are negotiating or continue searching. It looks like the Lord is clearly directing us but, we know He could close the door. I am very excited about making Christ known in the Windermere/Dr. Phillips area and in Orlando.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Reaching the community

I daily think about how to make Christ known in the community. Everywhere I look I see my fellow inhabitants of God's creation failing to acknowledge their Creator. In place of Him, they have constructed an idol of self whereby they bow down, worship and practice their sinful desires. The only remedy is the proclamation of the Gospel message. Though I feel discouraged, I know Christ came into the world to save sinners. What a blessed hope...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reforming Preacher blog is launched

I will attempt to chronicle my pursuit of Christ-likeness. It will include info about our church, Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, life with my beautiful wife Dana and our 8 children, plus musings as I reflect upon Christ's preeminence. Soli Deo Gloria !